Poetic Stanziel

This episode introduces children. You will never see them again. As far as I can tell, they were sold into slavery.

Do Brett and Michelle have kids? Because, other than the first episode, we never see them again. They might as well not have children, because they do what they want, when they want, effortlessly.

It is good that VanDerWerff finally took his shitty analysis to another website. I haven't missed the guy.

"Dan says he wanted to come on Survivor and be remembered. I wonder if he’ll enjoy his legacy."

Laurel is miles more tolerable than Felicity. I wish they'd either ship Felicity off to some other show, or kill her off.

So, Felicity and Laurel are inversely annoying. The more annoying Laurel is, the more palatable Felicity is (seasons 1 and 2). The more annoying Felicity is, the more palatable Laurel is (season 3).

What were the writers thinking? Luke showing Alex a picture he drew of his penis? Not only is that not funny, but it is creepy and disturbing.

"It's not Eddie's secret to tell. It's Barry's."

Someone from the A.V. Club should write an in-depth comparison of Daredevil to Arrow. There are so many parallels between the two shows that would make great fodder for an article.

That Bedazzled™ Phillies jersey was actually pretty fantastic.

Tom Clancy's Power Play series was not published until 1997. Yet, Stan's son is seen looking at Politika, while Stan cooks him up some Campbell's Chunky Soup.

So, do we think that Gina's dad is a Steve Miller Band roadie?

Space Blanket. Salmon Ladder. And Cosmic Treadmill.

The flat pry bar used to "lock" the doors to the theater, did anybody else feel that those were non-period? I feel like that design of pry bar occurred sometime during the 80s.

I definitely want it to get a second season. I'm betting Marvel is interested as well. It's all going to depend on whether Hayley Atwell is interested.

Is the purple one supposed to look like an aborted fetus? Is that supposed to be a coat hanger poking out of its head?

Have you people not heard of PVRs?

I don't even remember who Jeremy or Julie are.

There is no end-game. The show eventually becomes unpopular and it is cancelled.