Poetic Stanziel

What seems dumb is that previous host cities aren't bidding. If you already have all the facilities, then the cost to host the games is going to be much reduced. Why not Calgary or Turin or Salt Lake City again?

It's never irrelevant. Otherwise it would not be a topic of discussion.

Sure. Sure. But the sad sack Louie in the doomed relationship routine gets a bit tired after awhile. I've been enjoying the Louie/Amia relationship far less than all the other vignettes in these Elevator episodes. (Which is probably why he's been adding the vignettes, to distract us from yet another painful Louie

It has nothing to do with the show. It would make his life less of the continual downer it always is. His life would be less painful.

I wish Louie and Amia would learn to use Google Translate.

I've always been confused by Janet. She's a black woman. Yet has pasty white children with Louie. And in the flashback Janet herself is pasty white.

How did Mike from The Moon is a Harsh Mistress not make the list?

The Squid and the Whale.

The trainer's kitchen sink, underneath where he kept his drill. No pipes. Set design could have put a tiny bit more effort into creating that set.

Even the whimsical fantasy world of Westeros has gay people.

Is this only open to Americans?

This man has a bright future editing the next Michael Bay film.

Machete Order:

And of course everybody conveniently forgets all the innocent people that were killed while the character was evil. Because redemption > murder.

"If I had to guess I'd say he gets killed saving his former team. It's faux redemption."

An A is really generous. Grading on a curve. I would have given this a B+.

They showed a few moments of doubt in his "mission" this episode, and next week's episode looks like it will delve deeper into that doubt.

"I think it's actually more interesting to make Ward a complex, sympathetic, but irreversibly evil guy."

Looks like they're already working on the Redemption of Agent Ward plotline. Show some balls Whedon, Marvel and ABC. Not every major character needs redemption. Show some commitment to the HYDRA storyline, that there are costs and repercussions.
