
How can anyone possibly ignore it? For the past few years things have played out one of two ways:
1) Some entertainment medium makes a heavy handed attempt to clumsily pander to the most fragile demographic. It has nothing to do with the story, the character development or even the conversation in which the information

What an absolute garbage response, thankfully it’s in a stark minority given that the game sold 12 million copies, netting $850 million....in it’s first 14 days.

You don’t get to spend the first 30/40/50/60 years of your life living as a man, take some hormones and grow your hair out and then pretend your opinion

Am I the only one who thinks that “menstrual leave” is a discriminatory and a little derogatory thing to offer? Call me an entitled European if you must, but sick leave should not entail giving away why you need it. There is not “twisted ankle” leave, there is no “snotty nose and diarrhea leave” and there shouldn’t be

everyone knows the best way to kill a fish is to hold it by the throat until you see the light leave its eyes, and then you bury them in your yard and plant roses over them.

oh sorry, i was thinking of hobos. fish are best killed by throwing M80's in a pond and then hitting them on a stump, like we did in my redneck

I could see some people finding this useful but not me. I’m no stranger to having blocked entire websites (primarily news) because they ditched their comment sections. If you’re not open to others’ opinions or being corrected if even just on a typo, it makes it incredibly difficult to care what you have to say. And

“Reparations” can mean a lot of different things. Cash payouts of thousands if not hundreds of thousands to people who are not prepared will not improve their lives in the long run. You don’t fix poverty with financial payouts, there have to be long term institutional changes first.

To be fair, this whole incident escalated due to a few missed periods.

I enjoyed his show, greatly respect Mr Rogers and think that the world would be a better place if more people followed his example and died in 2003.

Kill the parents and sell the children.

Women: Seriously, what part of asking to/just going ahead and pulling out your dick at work seems reasonable? Is it okay if it happens after work, in a different location? Is it actually okay right there in the conference or break room or the boss’s office? What part of this are we supposed to be convinced to accept

Know the best part about dead baby jokes?

to be perfectly honest, mine was nearly choked to death a thousand times over.

Here’s an idea, stop bringing babies on a plane. Factor this into your decision whether you have children or not.

Hey ....

Leaving my bubble means going to a black owned business? What are you even talking about?

Yet balancing those books would be stunningly simple if you could simply shift the $10,000,000,000 spent in the last twenty years on middle eastern oil wars from destruction to civil reconstruction.

In the past we Americans took pride in the kind of initiatives you’re advocating. When did the kind of negativity and whining we hear from conservatives on this issue become patriotic, let alone acceptable?