
As sick as i am about having to hear about Bruce and all the other Trump apologists, i’m even more fed up having to hear the constant bullshit surrounding hurt feelings and people making a conscious choice to be offended and proceed to behave as if nothing is more egregious.

How YOU feel, or what YOU want, has no


Lets count off of 12% of the overall population accounts for
African americans are responsible for 52% of all gun related homicides over the past 40 years (52-60% on a year by year basis at a rate of 6800-7400 per year)
They account for OVER 80% of all non-fatal gun violence (260,000 incidents vs whites 77,000

Why is it so difficult to understand that what you want or feel, does not mean anything to anyone other than yourself?

Over the past few years social media has become a means of amplifying the tantrums of people, anytime they do not get their way. We’ve gone from calling out discrimination and abuse to....”he didn’t

No problem. Though it occurs i should mention something else. While cost of living is low, so are wages. Minimum wage here works out to about $700 a month, and roughly half of that is deducted for health insurance and income tax.

This is a totally livable wage here, especially if you come over with any kind of nest

You people realize that there are 2 billion people who don’t have enough food to eat, nearly half of which are literally starving.

The planet is flooding, as it burns, and the majority of humanity screams “not our fault, it’s half a dozen corporations, or it’s the shitty government officials....that we elected, how much

Every night i go to bed reflecting on the events of the day and thinking i couldn’t possibly hate humanity any more than i do at that moment.

But each and everyday, i’m proven wrong.

Idiocracy isn’t the future, it already happened, and anyone that is still smart enough to notice is shouted down by irrelevant garbage

I hate to break it to you, but accusations, least of all those coming from the damaged, entitled children that make up the majority of hollywood, don’t actually mean anything.

Fisher is trying to allege racism.....which would imply that he was being unfairly treated due to the color of his skin. Unfairly meaning he

Fuck that 2nd rate, c-list, bitch ass pussy and his whiney ass “multi-millionaire but still a victim” mentality.

That goes double to all the simple minded lemmings nodding along to transparent drama, which only serves to distract the public from the fact that not one goddamn person knew who the fuck he was before he

He wasn’t kneeling on Floyds neck. There was no evidence of physical trauma to the trachea, there was no bruising around his neck indicating that the cop was cutting off arterial blood flow.

Floyd did, however have 3 times the lethal level of fentanyl in his system and 75% arterial blockage, which was due to his own

frame them for murder to get them out of the house 

My affinity for other languages is almost non-existent, on account of the fact that i have 60/40 hearing loss. I can speak enough to get by, and romanian is a phonetic language so it’s easy to read, but i cannot understand 95% of what anyone says, particularly when there are regional dialects. Most everyone under the

You people are hypocrites. By which i don’t mean black people in general, just the simple minded fools that gather around here to denounce any and all opinions that don’t support their own wise and informed insight based on internet “research”

Ya know who deserved reparations? Actual slaves. Ya know the ones that

It’s not a matter of viewing them as a “possession” but a matter of understanding, commitment and respect that works for both of you.

A relationship boils down to being considerate of someone elses feelings exactly as much as you do your own. If you found someone that doesn’t care if you slut your way up and down the

I gave it a gander, interesting stuff, and i fully agree with the take away. I’ve spent the past 10 years living in Romania and traveling around Europe, i know how public transit should work and how people should ideally be getting around. I’m not trying to belittle your support of HSR or better transit systems, i’ve

While i fully agree that the US SHOULD invest money in highspeed public transit, realistically expecting this to happen, let alone to the degree that it would have ANY meaningful impact on the prevalence of cars is all but the equivalent of standing naked on a street corner screaming “I WANNA RIDE DUH SHORT BUS!”


We don’t need inclusivity for this particular demographic, and it has nothing to do with beauty standards.

74% of the US qualifies as being overweight
42% qualifies as clinically obese.
Clinically Obese means you are 100 pounds (or more) overweight
This includes 22% of children under the age of 18
14% under the age of 12

Mike and Molly...ffs, that was the entire basis of the show

Well....the age of consent in the UK is 16.....so trying to classify banging a 17 year old as being a “pedo” is a looooong overreach, and given that consent laws around the world vary from as young as 12, morally icky though it may be, doesn’t make it illegal per se.

As for MM, i find it more disgusting that everyone

It’s not half of the country.
It’s two thirds of the country, minimum.
Even though 2020 was a record voter turnout (of votes cast, not the percentage eligible voter turnout) that still only saw 66% of eligible voters bothering to do so. So 1/3rd don’t care at all, which is the same as supporting the bumbling efforts of

Millennial mentality to a T.
It doesn’t matter if someone thinks they did something wrong, it doesn’t even matter if they KNOW they didn’t do anything wrong and in fact that accusers are in the wrong. The only thing that matters is “I’m upset, so i’m entitled to have my feelings validated, regardless of whether or not