
Everyone, particularly in pieces written on these blogs keep calling this, that and the other thing racist, or homophobic, or transphobic, or bigoted when what the situation actually boils down to is “because i’ve identified as _____ and i dislike how this situation turned out, i’m a victim of some ism or phobic

But.....the color of his skin just doesn’t matter.
He is there to say his lines
The director, is there to tell him HOW to say those lines
The writer is there to decide what the lines he’s going to say are.

While some writers and directors may be more collaborative, that is their prerogative. Actors are there to bring

Yeah, i mean it’s amazing. When black people get stopped by police they:
Argue and agitate
Fail to follow lawful orders
Resist arrest
And wouldn’t ya know it? After making a small situation, stupidly, idiotically worse, some of them end up getting killed over the simple, universal truth that everyone, every single

You get that Spain isn’t part of “ ‘Merica! FUCK YEAH! WHOOO!” right?

See, different countries have different currencies, AND they also place a different value on goods and services which depend on local taxes, availability and desirability.

See, america is the land of gluttonous lard asses, that seem to think

Everyone needs to accept the fact that, as viewers, what they want to see out of the story, let alone how they FEEL about the story, doesn’t matter.

If you have strong feelings about how a story should play out, write your own.

GoT continues to be reviled simply because so much of the fandom is upset that they bought

Why would you think that Frank wasted his time?
Because he didn’t do what you would have done?
By the same metric we could say that clergy members have wasted their time, or internet bloggers who pick apart other peoples work....simply because it doesn’t shake out how they think it should with all their cumulative

Everyone is ignoring the other side of this coin.
Yes, prosecutors have a habit of thinking that getting a conviction amounts to the same thing as justice.....so long as they believe they have a strong enough case to convict.

Just the same that defense attorneys treat justice as creating “reasonable doubt”

Neither side

Firstly, much like movies and tv shows, video games do not lead to real life violence, just like porn didn’t lead to hypersexualized bands of rapists’ roaming the streets. They in fact accomplish the polar opposite.

Secondly, all three of those entertainment branches have been glorifying the US war machine for over a

Markle is barely black, and a multi-millionaire who entered into the royal family thinking somehow that she was going to change the 900 year old institution of a foreign country to meet the standards all the years of wisdom that being a second string actress in a b-list basic cable show had brought her.

When she

This is just a wonderful rationalization.

“Well i’m against rape, sexual assault and harassment .....buuuuut this is like my DREAM.....soooo.....yeah”

If you see a crime, or are a victim of a crime and you fail to report that crime, you are complicit in creating the circumstances for every, single, victim that comes


It’s a group of women near or long past 40 years old, behaving like a group of mean girls in high school, to mock and torture a 20 year old regarding manufactured rumors about her sexuality.

Do you get it?

It’s a group of middle aged+ women, who’ve made a career out out of behaving like vapid, shallow, children

Both lists, watched every single one.
White, suburban, male.
It’s amazing what you’re exposed to despite the fact that you don’t try to make everything about race 24/7/365.
It’s almost as if....trying to live your life based around the assumption that everything is, or can be argued to be racist and thus you’re a

I love the hypocrisy of this.
We’ve had outrage over Asian characters being given to white actors
We’ve had outrage over trans characters being given to non trans actors
Same for black, gay, bi and every other extra special hat wearing demographic who wants to push the notion that their membership automatically entitles

Nah, the game now is that whenever anyone makes a valid point that detracts from your narrative, call them a racist/homophobe/transphobe/sexist et al ad nauseam, and then when they defend themselves act like it somehow proves your point.

The only thing worse than republican bullshit, is this liberal “wokeness”

Enshrined in the constitution, and disproportionately taken advantage of by African Americans, primarily men.

12% of the population accounts for over half of all gun murders (52% over the past 40 years, and 52-60% year over year) and the majority of non-fatal gun violence (270,000 incidents, compared to the gun loving

A few things to remember when it comes to the incarceration of African Americans.

12% of the population:
Over the past 40 years, they’ve been responsible for 52% of all gun murders, year over year they account for 51-60%.
They commit gun violence at a rate 3.5 times HIGHER than white Americans
77,000 vs 270,000 in 2016.

The number isn’t as important as the percentage of the population, is the point, which is why they break it down into per 100,000 or whatever representative metric.

Say you have 50 people imprisoned in NYC, a place with 8 million residents.

Then you also see bumfuck idaho also has 50 people imprisoned....but bumfuck

Society is based around rules, which we know as laws.
Everyone knows the broad strokes, don’t rape, murder, assault, steal or engage in the sale or purchase of certain goods or substances.
Everyone is required to follow these laws.
If you fail to abide by the rules of society, you give up your right to freedom and

Unfortunately, society has done what it always tends to do when something gets overlooked.

They over-correct, HARD.

Over the past few years, society, at the urging of the media has come to the conclusion that every negative outcome involving anyone that belongs to a so-called “disenfranchised group” is the result of

Objectivity isn’t that difficult, unless of course you write for the GMG blogs, than it seems to be a bridge too far.

Objectivity means being able to lay out the FACTS of a story, without imposing your own biased views, and certainly without telling your audience how they should feel. The only thing that matters in a