
It’s always funny to me when people with absolutely no experience, let alone understanding of the kind of life endured by the characters on Shameless, try to deconstruct the motivations of it’s characters.

There is a wide chasm between theoretically being capable of something, and actually knowing how to accomplish

Glenlivet 21 year $300 because it will last literal years
Beef tenderloin $35 a pound unless i can find a untrimmed whole tenderloin which comes in closer to $15 a pound, cut into 10-15 8oz steaks and vacuum sealed before freezing and it will last my wife and I several months.

But those are about it, when it comes to

Glenlivet 12 year is the daily driver at $45
Glenlivet 18 is the slightly more discerning at $75
Glenlivet 21 is the once a year birthday purchase that, as my father always said you just have a “wee drom” at $300

Those software terms are legally binding contracts.

All of them.

Sometime in the late 90's a developer included the line “accepting these terms forfeits your immortal soul to (the developer) to prove that the majority of people never bother to read them, and it did in fact take months for anyone to catch that

Have you ever possibly considered, fuck this wholeculture” wars bullshit?

Which is not to say that you shouldn’t feel free to adhere to whatever societal superstitions have been imposed on you since before you reached the age of reason, which is the most tried and true method of brainwashing people into thinking that

Fast food, from agriculture to shipping, to employment, to preperation, to consumption is garbage.

It is destroying the planet, while a significant segment of the population is actively fighting to make two generations of people complacent and unimaginative enough to settle for lives in what is only loosely qualified

I’ve said it before, i’ll say it again.

Bunch of whiney, pussy ass bitches you all be.

You make every fucking thing about race, it’s pathetic, and manipulative and ya wonder why more and more people are sick of your bullshit. 

Personally, i can churn out about 135 wpm, spelling and punctuation included. A skill that i fine tuned in the process of playing WoW oh so many years ago.

It matters to me personally because i spend all day posting products and descriptions on a website for sale, and the faster i finish the faster i can pretend that

Well, i have to admit that i’ve learned something important. With all the endless education about racism, and the endless nuances there-in, i’m embarrassed to admit it took me this long to come around to a glaring, inarguable truth that has been staring so many of us square in the face for so long.

Black people are a

This is racism, pure and simple.
It doesn’t matter what the statistical rate of poverty is in one community to the next, by definition prioritizing anything, good or bad on the basis of something as useless as the color of your skin, is fucking racist.

To say nothing of the fact that the constant cries of

Everything about that woman is fake and insufferable.
She’s not a role model.
She is evidence of a pivotal moment in the decline of the american culture, so far as it ever actually had any.
If anything, she along with her stable of horrifying lesser family members, has normalized this blinding level of celebrity

Christ, i don’t give a shit. He “groped” someone? What does that even mean in today’s alarmist “EVERYONE IS A VICTIM EXCEPT STRAIGHT WHITE MEN (and sometimes straight white women when it’s suits our narritive)“

Unless someone has actively tried to finger you through your cloths, or inserted some part of their anatomy

Just because something is marketed towards you, doesn’t make you any less of a dumb piece of shit for falling for it.

Well Joe, since you’re black we can only assume the following:
You have committed murder or violence using a firearm against other black people
You’ve killed a white person with a gun
You are an active member of a violent gang

I mean, who’s gonna be shocked by that? All of those things are done with an extremely

Teaching a car to drive itself is hard.
Teaching a car to drive itself while anticipating the unpredictable nature of human drivers is considerably more difficult.
Which is why Autopilot, which is not fully autonomous, is not marketed as being fully autonomous, and not only explicitly tells users to keep their hands on

First off, stop pretending that anyone is presenting driver assist as something that allows you to start the car, plug in your destination and take a nap until you arrive.

This is not, nor has it ever been how it’s marketed.

Every single “Autopilot” program clearly states that drivers must pay attention to the road

That’s what capitalism boils down to. Whether you’re talking about loot boxes, gambling, collectible plates, 12 different covers on the same mediocre comic book at $4.50 a pop (which necessitates buying 2 of each variation because they somehow have one to read and one to keep in the plastic) or toys that have not, nor

Well, in the current social climate, pretty much everything is racist.

With the lone exception of black and brown people accusing every white person of being racist.

Which is in and of itself, fucking racist.

Black people have cultivated this notion that they aren’t responsible for any failings or shortcomings in

I played it when it first came out and while zombie survival games aren’t usually my cup of tea, it was surprisingly enjoyable. It actually had an engaging story, and some interesting mechanics that made the zombie thing seem more like one aspect of a broader game instead of the main (and only) focal point as most of

Over the past 3 or 4 years, there is damn near a daily influx of “famous(adjacent) person said/did something we don’t like on twitter/facebook/youtube/interview/college/high school/middle school/PRE-SCHOOL! everyone band together to cancel this horrible monster because we retroactively must apply the views and values