
Imagine tomorrow that one of your ex’s showed up the internet, or the news making claims of abuse, sexual assault and rape against you going back 10-20 years. No physical evidence, no eye witness accounts, no calls to the police backing up the claim, nothing that even stands out in your memory as something that could

How fucking stupid do you have to be to think gorilla glue is a substitute for hair spray?

Jesus fucking christ, this woman needs to be sterilized.

So rehabilitation is only something we should believe possible for the millions of brown and black people convicted of assault, murder and rape?

You don’t get to have it both ways, it’s either always possible for everyone, or it’s not possible for anyone.

More to the point however. People are garbage. Every single

Nothing about that story is unique. In fact it’s quite common in the poorer subset of the black community. Shitty, ignorant parents beget shitty ignorant children that grow up to be shitty ignorant parents, there’s a reason that 12% of the population accounts for 52-60% of all gun murders and has a rate of non-fatal

So....she didn’t listen to the police.
She was warned of the consequences.
She continued to not listen to the police.
She had to endure the consequences of failing to LISTEN TO THE POLICE.

At a certain point, both parties have to actively try to de-escalate a situation. This is something that black people as a whole seem

Well good for you. Do you think anyone would have cared if you went as a white character? Applied some pancake makeup and swung for the fences?
I can tell you, they would not and even today no one would give a shit beyond the obvious level of shameless hypocrisy that would be evident.

Context is the only thing that

As always, context is the ONLY thing that matters.

Halloween costume celebrating your love of a fictional or historic figure? Shut the fuck up with your cries of racism. Every time i see bullshit like this, i care a little less about all complaints merited or not made by all black people.

Anything meant to mock,

Wow, look at that shit. Even being a millionaire isn’t enough to break the disproportionate rate at which black people commit murder.

It’s almost like it’s a moral failing brought about by a destructive and broken culture... But i suppose it’s up to everyone else to make sure your kids don’t grow up to be murderous

When you look at say the $20 an hour wage they pay in denmark, you think that’s a fair wage that puts american wages to shame.

Until you learn that the base tax rate in denmark is 45%, which means they’re really only making $11 an hour in a country that has a substantially higher cost of living, for instance a studio

Perhaps it’s because some of us have the capacity to understand that seeing something everyday, is not the same as being common place, let alone the actions of the majority.

If theroot ran 5500 unique instances of legitimate racism propagated by different people, every single day of the year, it still wouldn’t

Yup...makes sense, i mean ol’ abe freed the slaves, but by all means lets rename it after a rapper to appease 12% of the country.

Every single day i read something that makes me even happier i left that shithole of a country. 

While all professional sports are stupid, populated by stupid people, meant to entertain even stupider people, i just don’t care about this.

I don’t necessarily believe that he had a manic episode, but i can’t discount it completely, and neither can any single other person calling for his head.

By the same token, i

Expecting those stats to carry over to any industry presumes that those people actually WANT a job in a given area of that industry. It also presumes that they are not just technically proficient, but also talented which are different things, particularly when you’re talking about something like game design.


Game designers and VFX artists are kind of a small pool to pull from.
The pay is shit, the hours are long, and job security is a pipe dream. If you just want to hire Bill, you know him, you’ve worked with him before and your project would benefit greatly from his talent and input. But you know Bill is only going to be

Lets look at the racial demographics in America
White (including white hispanic) 73% 234,000,000 people
(non-hispanic white) 61.5% 197,000,000 people
mexican 11% with 35,000,000
Black 12.7% 39,000,000
asian 5.4% 17 million people

So white people are under represented, as are blacks and Hispanics because Asians are over

No one, lives in a vacuum. Which is to say, that every stupid thing you say and do, merits consequences from those you’re opposed against.

For every legitimate grievance black people have, 9 more come down to “i’m choosing to assume the worst, thus my offense means you’re racist” Which isn’t to say that black people

Yes, white people don’t wash chicken because they are not fucking morons.
The only time it’s appropriate to do so is if you’ve just killed and plucked the thing. Otherwise, washing something of surface bacteria, immediately before cooking it to an internal temperature of 165-175F, only accomplishes spreading bacteria

While you don’t need a permit to protest and are free to walk on PUBLIC property, that is only true so long as you do not
Obstruct traffic
Obstruct other peoples movement on pedestrian walkways

It’s not a debatable point, your outrage and justifications are not valid excuses for failing to abide by those very simple, and

jesus fucking christ. None of those comments rise to the level of racism.

What you look like, and what you sound like are kind of important for news reporters. You people get that right? There has to be some kind of appeal to garner a level of trust with the public, and some people are just off putting.

You fucking

African Americans represent about 12% of the population (no, we are not talking about black people that have immigrated from other countries because they are vastly different people)
Over the past 40 years, black people have committed 52% of all gun homicides.
While white people (68% of the US population) commit 77,000