
It is not up to celebrities of any flavor to ensure your children don’t grow up to be racist little pieces of shit forever trapped in a job that has them inquiring about someone’s interest in fries being included.

Every single increasingly niche demographic is acting like their concerns are the only ones that matter,

Have you been paying attention for the past three years? Rumors fly, people pick up on imagined interactions, find it offensive, go on a rant, social media and fandoms pass it around and beat it like a dead horse until you suddenly find that someone, usually female, that you interacted with once 20 years ago has

Maybe....just maybe, we should stop expecting celebrities to be role models to anyone, let alone children.

Perhaps, we should actually hold parents accountable for the poorly socialized little monsters.

Who knows, it might even be worth considering that this endless quest of everyone trying to make themselves the

Black people are fatter. That’s all.
48% of black Americans are clinically obese, 37% of black men and 56.6% of black women. Which means at least 100 pounds overweight.
Which means a higher prevalence of things like diabetes, heart conditions, lung issues, all of which make contracting covid much more dangerous, even

At the start of the pandemic, black people refused to wear masks, period. They didn’t think they needed to and blamed it on white people.
There have been constant protests by the black community, in which mask wearing is inconsistent at best with 1000's of strangers ignoring social distancing.
Has that also been true

Did you know that LGTBQ+ isn’t the full acronym? Nor is LGTBQIA+?
LGTB was coined in 1988, in 1999 they added the Q+. In the span of less than 20 years, that has ballooned to LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA+ that’s 16 letters and a symbol indicating that they aren’t fucking finished yet trying to amass enough labels to make everyone

While i find all religious superstitions ridiculous and outdated, keeping kosher always struck me as the dumbest of the dumb. All the explanations and justifications don’t change the fact that people are adhering to rules thousands of years old in the face of all advancement in the interim in a desperate attempt to

When anyone spends all their time talking about how great they are, specifically because of the color of their skin, the history of people that looked like them, but had absolutely fucking nothing to do with them, they are automatically not worth listening too.

Much like the southern’s talking about “da south ‘ill

You’re just being jealous. Which is understandable, but still not a good basis to oppose this kind of progress.
I’ve been living in Romania for the past 10 years. In this country, it takes 3 years to earn a degree equivalent to a 4 year degree in the states, and is free for EVERYONE under the age of 26, whether or not

So in your worldview, anyone who dedicates their life to a particular industry, who becomes and expert in that industry and advises others on the pro’s and cons of particular products shouldn’t put their knowledge to use when making investments?

First of all, you’re making the assumption that journalist, let alone

First off, as a man that hasn’t left his home without wearing a mask since all the way back in the second week February 2020, america is the undisputed dumpster fire of inappropriate Coved response.

Second, Men fall into two categories when it comes to masks they either wear them properly or not at all.

Third, the vast

The fact that win7 still has a large userbase isn’t a good thing.
Microsoft ended support for Win7 370 days ago, the OS launched in 2009 and was just Vista, which launched in 2007, with all the intended features re-enabled, after removing them to appease Intel and Nvidia. 
The OS is one giant vulnerability at this

You, and so many black people like you are addicted to victimhood.
Everything is someone else fault, no one that looks like you is responsible for anything in their own lives, and anyone that looks like you who disagrees is shouted down as a traitor and accused of being pretending they white, an uncle tom or a “house

You’re missing the point.
How healthy it is, is not the point.
YOU, your feelings and whether or not you can convince yourself that “It’s worth it” is not the point.
The point is, humanity (of which you are part) has fucked this planet into the ground, prompting a mass extinction which we’re currently living through.

When $600 checks/deposits went out on the 4th and the remaining $1400 could be arriving less than 3 weeks later, it’s splitting hairs in an effort to keep this outrage train running. You ain’t happy, unless you’re bitching about something and embracing that victimhood full force.

But i’d like you to consider something

I’m currently running a 2700x Ryzen, overclocked to 4.1 with 16gigs of ram and a 5700xt with the game installed on an M.2. Runnning the game at 1080p with everything jacked up to max gets a solid 75+ fps (which is what the frame limiter is set to for my Overclocked 4k monitor while running on patch 1.03.

There isn’t any evidence. This stemmed from color correcting, which to black ears apparently means “a film with two different directors that have two vastly different styles and color pallets is altering the coloring to make skin tones consistent. AAAHHHHH HE HATES BLACK PEOPLE. HE RACIST. HE TRYING TO ERASE MY BLACK

My dad got paralyzed when he was 2 months shy of his 21st birthday courtesy of Vietnam was and the US armies role in the heroin trade. He spent the last two years of his life in the VA hospital due to a combination of persistent bed sores which got infected so severely that they invaded his bones, a cerebral hematoma

This idea that workers deserve a share of the profits because they’re assembling something is an entitlement i just can’t understand. While i agree that the minimum wage should reflect a livable wage, that’s vastly different than say, Uber drivers demanding $30 an hour when they’ve oversaturated the market by 8x what

I think the ship has long since sailed on whether or not you should buy a 3070 or not on launch day.