
Why? Death isn’t a possibility, it’s inevitable. It’s either we drop dead unexpectedly, which honestly seems like the best way to go, or we creep into old age and spend our last few years in horrible pain, likely dying by some form of cancer as we become a huge financial and emotional burden on our families before


You get that prison is supposed to be a punishment, right? You’re not there to have the taxpayers, who’ve already contributed 10's or 100's of thousands of dollars to convict you for your particular crime, continue to foot the bill to provide you with 3 squares, a cot and medical care for the duration of your

The point is, that these places....and this may surprise you....are run by PEOPLE. The people, who’s livelihoods depend on the survival of these restaurants, are what make them what they are. Making a good product doesn’t mean you’ll be successful, having to start over from scratch after spending years or decades

That’s the sentiment i have about every single dumbass camping in this echo-chamber of blackness. Over the past several years you fucking people have rationalized anything, literally anything you don’t like as being the result of racism.

Natural deodorant is making a choice to pay a premium for the privilege of being the only person who isn’t aware that you smell like french whore in august.

They do not work.
They have never worked.
Unless you have an allergy, which means diagnosed by an actual doctor, not WebMD, stop putting everyone around you through

Natural deodorant is making a choice to pay a premium for the privilege of being the only person who isn’t aware

They’re forcing people to “go green” in the kitchen because gas ranges are the least efficient means of heating food, by a wide margin.
Efficiency of Heat transfer by:
Gas 40-55%
Electric 65-70%
Induction 90-97%

While people may bemoan electric ranges, induction has gotten to the point where it can hold temperatures

If i was missing something expensive and saw a teenager hanging around, that would be my first thought too.

It would have nothing to do with whether they were white, black or brown and everything to do with the fact that teenagers are garbage.

The fact that you, and your like-minded echo chamber inhabitants continue

Fuck tamir rice.

An irresponsible black mother? Who would ever have thought?!

Oh that’s right....everyone.

Over the last 40 years, 52% of gun murders have been committed by African Americans.

African americans kill more than twice as many white people as white people kill blacks each year. 505 vs 235 in 2016

In 2018, white people were responsible for 77,000 instances of non-fatal gun violence, while black people accounted

She represents no black people?

Much like every single ever more niche demographic that has the impression that a few hundred thousand or even million people sharing a point of view is not only relevant, but somehow significant, you ignore everything, and everyone that doesn’t align with your world view.

These groups

When i was 20, i had just moved to texas, had shoulder length hair, a goatee, baggy cloths and just generally didn’t fit into the expectation of texas locals.

I was walking to a doctors appointment about a month after i moved there, and on the way, i leaned down to check if anything was out of place in the side mirror

Oh shut the fuck up with your “poor black people, dems all out to get us” bullshit.

What’s the benefit? Money for the city, motivation for people not to do something that is not only physically dangerous for themselves, but has monetary consequences for drivers, other pedestrians, insurance companies, and the city

Having children, is a choice.
One that far too many people make, when they have no business doing so. Despite what the feminist mantra would have us believe, you in fact cannot have it all. Priorities fall into place whether we’re aware of them or not, and something suffers. Over the past 40 or 50 years, what has

Don’t act like one, won’t be called one.

Sooner or later, you people are going to realize that being black is not character attribute that erases all inherent flaws.

Black people are just people. People are sometimes great, often garbage and mostly forgettable, and every single little outcry you fan the flames of is always very careful to keep every

Based on....what? What do you people really think you accomplish with these kinds of stunts?

All the people that already think like you, get pissed off and dig their heels in further, accomplishing nothing.

People that don’t buy into that line of thinking, have even more justification in seeing more childish, bullying

The air fryer without a doubt.
To people that actually know how to cook, it already is in fact, chefs hate the thing, and with good reason. They’re garbage and for anyone that has bought an actual oven in the past 10 years, they’re also likely redundant. It’s a countertop convection oven, which only means that it has

I guess that “disproportionate rate” of infections endured by the black population that we’ve heard so much about came about because they always wore their masks in public, never ever gathered in large groups.

Their are no racial lines in the stupidity of the dumpster fire that is america during the pandemic.

All of