
As much as i liked the first one, which came out 32 years ago in 1988....This movie is going to suck.
All of them suck.
Eddie murphy is not going to save it.
“Blackness” is not going to save it.
Comparing it to the onslaught of garbage/horror films we’ve been drowned with this year is not going to make it look better

Maybe they can consult with the pre-cogs too.
Maybe police shouldn’t interact, question, or detain anyone unless they see with their own personal set of eyeballs, in real life, committing a crime.
Maybe they should worry about the feelings of indignation one might feel in being questioned and released, losing

You forgot to include every single thing that graced the GMG blogs.

All of it is garbage, but that’s not surprising given where it all came from.

She killed a pregnant woman.
Then proceeded to cut the fetus out of the corpse.

Having a shitty life filled with traumatic events of abuse, does not justify or excuse killing a pregnant woman and cutting the fetus out of the corpse, not even if that ended up with a surviving new baby who is going to be equally as

Am i the only one depressed by the fact that rather than trying to actually curb our bad habits as a species, we just keep trying to cram alternatives down everyone’s throats so exponential growth of the human race can continue unchecked?

We can modify food sources, and clean up our energy production all we want, but

That is as of monday morning at 1am eastern time.

Why exactly does this matter?
This happens because companies spend hundred of millions developing games that focus on multiplayer gameplay. This, for some reason is what people claim to want, while also allowing companies to push microtransactions on people, who hate them, but have been beaten into submission

This is reductive to the point of idiocy.
This is tribalism in it’s most disgusting form.
While a significant portion of the republican party, even a majority, may be damaged goods and garbage people, don’t for one second believe that you are any better, any different.

If you really think republicans start their day

You know why some people don’t want reviews of games?
Because reviews have moved past the point of critiquing actual gameplay mechanics and the quality of the story telling to instead focus on all the flaws they see through the lens of their personal politics. In pointing out these “issues” they amass a following of

Um....yeah BET is a racist pile of garbage, before you even consider the quality of the content.

Racism isn’t limited to negative stereotypes.
Racism is, was and always will be anything that uses race as a deciding factor.

Racism, isn’t limited to white people, or even the majority in any given situation.
Racism is

The only problem with the minimum wage is that it’s going to ruin independently owned businesses who are already being destroyed by mega-corps even before the pandemic hit.  

Children, are degusting.
Children are less likely to show symptoms, but still be contagious.
Packing 2000-4000 bodies into a building, in groups of 35 for 8 hours a day, and allowing cross contamination to happen every 40 minutes as they storm the halls, is stupid.
Here in Romania, they got ahead of the curve in terms

The elderly skew towards conservative, so i genuinely do not care if they get vaccinated or not.

In fact, logic would dictate that putting the health and well being of people in their 70's over those in their 30's or 40's is....kinda dumb. 

Executive orders are just that.
Things the president can enact on an emergency basis without having to deal with the fuckery and backstabbing of the lesser branches of government who pad bills with shit that is antithesis of the intended accomplishment in a bullshit showing of “compromise”
The only downside of

That isn’t bullying so much as... working to advance your career.
Thats kinda how the business world works, making yourself, at least appear, indispensable. If you have more than one person doing a similar job, or even just a job in which responsibilities overlap, promotions aren’t going to roll out to both people just

Well...if you’re actually an adult, grow a fucking pair and stand up for yourself.
Confrontation isn’t something to be avoided, in fact confronting shitty people about their shitty actions....is how you deal with a problem.

If you don’t know that, either stop calling yourself an adult or do the world a favor and take

Well obviously, she isn’t really black.

From what the people on this site seem to say, blackness comes from toeing the line of the most popular and vocal consensus.

The real answer is, black people are....:::gasp::: just people. Vulnerable to the same selfishness, stupidity and corruption as every single other person


While some people might be clamoring for “retro” style games, or cell shaded anime style isometric crap that costs $20 and takes 10 hours to complete the main story, that does not represent the wants of a significant portion of gamers.

Just look at Cyberpunk 2077, a game that took 9 years to make, cost

Did you miss the part where trump has spent the past week or so handing out pardons to...everyone in his administration, his family and anyone financially beneficial?
Which apparently might include the ability to pardon himself, regardless of whether or not he’s actually been charged.

Wow....such an insightful point.
For nearly a year we’ve had certain news outlets pointing out the rate disproportionate rate with which african americans have been getting sick and dying from covid.
We’ve also had countless reports of african americans protesting in large numbers, and getting tossed out of public