
Meanwhile, what do you do in the course of your day to mitigate the impact of destruction that is the accumulation of 8 billion people making one bad, short sighted choice after the next?

Give up driving that car for a bike?
Abstain from AC, or heat when a fan or extra blanket would do?
Have you cut plastic out of

:::Gasp::: you’re saying that even the morally superior black people have become secretive, shady and morally bankrupt once they get any semblance of power?  

Why....it appears that Black people are in fact....just people, and people are selfish, self centered and motivated to serve their own vision, and best interests

How exactly is it that any dissenting opinion at odds with the common trend of “protect the feelings of the smallest demographics” trolling?

Aiding or obstructing anyone based on the color of their skin is racism.
As soon as you make anything about the color of someone’s skin, it is racism.
The fact that everyone just

Explain exactly how it is racist to point out the unfairness of anyone being given preferential treatment based on their skin color.

If white people were given the same consideration being described here, their would be a revolt. Despite what BLM would have everyone believe, racism is not limited to white people. 

The latest attempt to appease the ever increasing volume of demand for inclusiveness for historically black activities into the mainstream.
Which i predict will end in cries of racism and discrimination anytime a PoC doesn’t achieve the kind of scores or placement they think they “deserve”
Everyone is horrible.

He killed two people.
His race doesn’t matter.
His age when committing the crimes does not matter, particularly when he was legally, an adult.
The only reason that this execution is getting coverage is on the basis that it’s yet another black murderer.
African Americans average 53% of all gun related homicides over the

My ex and i went to a campus adjacent cinema to watch Hannibal in early 2001.
Shortly after eating a few hits of LSD each.
This resulted in reasoning that we needed to eat something before it took hold, because we wouldn’t want to eat for the next 24 hours.
I brought a skirt steak, complete with silverware and plate.

What bunch of bullshit is this? Pop culture has been rife with women playing the “we’re tougher than men because we give birth” for 50 years. Books on the subject have been abundant to the point of becoming cliché for decades, hell the most popular book “what to expect when you’re expecting” which was published in

Something that we continue to hear from the very people who bitch, moan and demand inclusion, right after they’re given what they claim to want.

Trans people represent 0.6 - 0.8% of the population, depending on the source. That shakes out to 1.98 million to 2.64 million people....in a country of 330 million. How much

Stop using this limp wristed bullshit phrase.
She committed suicide, or she killed herself, she ended her own life, she caused herself to die, she chose to no longer live.

Committed, means determined. If you are going to kill yourself, one would assume there is a certain level of determination attached to that,

Making a joke about race, is not the same as being racist.
This wasn’t even a joke.
It wasn’t a slur.
They aren’t being deprived of anything, or even unfairly stereo-typed (4 potential pandemic level viruses, and 1 actual pandemic in the span of 20 years all being traced back to wet markets tells you everything you

Stupid racist white people!
Stupid racist black people!
National showdown, ongoing and available for viewing where ever entitled idiots co-mingle!

Don’t use your ovens self cleaning function to clean your oven.

Do break the lock mechanism and use the self cleaning function to make restaurant quality pizza at home.

I can’t recall the name of the obsessive home pizza maker turned award winning pizzaiola beyond that his last name starts with a V, but this is the

Um....a fertility doctor inseminating women with his sperm without their consent is not sexual abuse. At most, it’s fraud. The left has been getting pretty fast and loose with what it deems sexual harassment/assault/abuse over the past couple years, and it’s not really helping anyone.

It’s a blind attempt at gaining

The first rule of funding any project is :

Never use your own money.

It doesn’t matter how much you have, you don’t fund unproven endeavors yourself. This is how you stay rich, while maintaining a possibility of getting even richer. It’s a really simple concept to grasp.

It also generates interest in whatever venture

Did we miss the part where she underwent surgery?

Cause i don’t care what the senseless push from “but think about our FEELINGS” brigade is.

How you feel, does not, will not, cannot change what you are, and no one should be expected to blindly agree with someone else feelings just to validate their self image.

My parents were lifelong renters. When i was 5, we moved to ohio to rent a house in the historic district of town (all the homes were 100-200 years old) which cost a steady $800 a month from 1988-2000. That’s 115,000 grand in 90's money.
Over the following 20 years they shelled out nearly $500,000 towards rent, my dad

Yes, it tells you that an 18 year old adult, ran a red light, likely by accident and got caught by the police.

In response, he actively broke the law by refusing to pull over. It’s not a debate, nor is their any excuse that is going to mitigate that plainly evident fact away.

If the police are in a clearly marked

But.....it’s not a traffic violation.
It would have been, had the 18 year old, adult man, pulled over when prompted by the authorities. But he didn’t.
This is illegal. It doesn’t matter if you’re black, or scared, or....anything really.
Refusing to pull over when flagged by police is illegal, and how you can be

Sorry lady, but the only acceptable way to deal with these people is cut them the fuck out of your life.

Family, friends, co-workers, doesn’t matter who they are, just stop engaging with them. They are not worth the time, effort or emotional toll if after nearly a year 61 million cases and 1.43 million death worldwide