
It’s not bigotry to disagree about something, even if that something happens to leave someone feeling offended. Being offended, doesn’t make you right, supporting people that claim offense doesn’t make you wise.

Legislation legally COMPELLING you to say anything, at all, is wrong. Legally requiring you to blindly

The fact that 88-92% of black voters vote democrat, doesn’t make them the “backbone” of the party. Black people make up 13% of the population, 43 million people, of those 59% of eligible voters turned up to vote 15.3 million people , 8% of which voted for trump. While Hispanics had a turnout of 10.821 million, 29% of

Beauty standards have changed throughout history....and it’s really easy to understand why.

Up until sometime in the early 20th century, the standard of beauty was....well fat. Being fat was a sign of wealth and being born into a noble station, simply because being fat was almost an impossible standard to obtain for

What fantasy are living in if you think any black politician in the same position would vote for money that benefits any other group besides black people? That’s not racism, or supremacy. That’s just self interest, and everyone puts their own self interest ahead of everyone, and everything else no matter what it is

That is the gun that he had.

That is the gun that he was pointing at passers-by, during a time when mass shootings were in a serious up-tick.

You have to be 21 in the state of ohio to own a handgun
You have to be 21 in the state of ohio to openly carry a hand gun
You have to be 18 to buy or use an airsoft gun without

Not a new anomaly, but an anomaly none the less. It’s not even a question.

I’m not expressing the notion that gay’s and transgender people don’t have the right to exist, or that their existence is somehow an affront, that their feelings aren’t relevant.

People are people, and everyone is different in ways that don’t

1000 people are killed by police each year, of those thousand people, the majority are white. The fact that black people are disproportionately killed by police, is not evidence of racism, just the same way that african americans have been responsible for 52% of all gun homicides over the past 40 years is not

Your own stat kind of explains why female occupied jobs are the first to go.

7.5 trillion is just a smidge over 1/3rd of the US’s GDP for 2019, which was 21.427 trillion despite the fact that women out number men 168 million to 161 million.

There has been an increase in the belief that everyone is entitled to not only

The tone of this piece reminds me of an old joke.

What do you call that useless piece of flesh around a cunt?

Joan summers.

Fuck Oprah, and every single dumbass that treats her like some kind of mythical figure.

She gave added legitimacy to anti-vaxxers
She propped up both doctor phil and doctor Oz
She fueled the idiotic diet craze among her fat, mentally deficient viewers.
The fact that she is successful because she found a niche among bored

According to a study on validated voters for the 2016 election, 14% of black men voted for trump, while 0% of black women did.

While more official reporting puts the overall black vote trump received at a mere 8%. Given the fact that 45% of people didn’t vote in 2016, and that 10% of the population, regardless of

How does a mean word end up with an arrest?
While everyone ignores the fact that, during a global pandemic, someone hopped into a car and drove halfway across the country to....do what exactly? I think it’s safe to assume that it wasn’t anything that anyone’s life depended on. Though i can easily say, that if anyone

1 quart = 0.94 kilograms
1 tablespoon of salt = 17.07 grams
You can raise the boiling point of water by .5c adding 58 grams of salt per kilogram of water.

4 quarts of water = 3.78 kilograms
58 grams of salt x 3.78 = 219 grams
219/17.07 = 12.82 tablespoons of salt

This gives you a salinity of 5.7% while the ocean has a

The best thing you can do when trying to extract flavors from herbs (particularly when they’re intended for pizza) is put them into some olive oil (you can use any kind of oil, but olive oil is my go to for all things pizza)

There’s a couple ways you can go about this, you can either stuff some herbs into an air tight

Men were redacted for the simple reason that, in the current climate of reactionary emotions parroted across social media, an accusation, or even the assumption of wrong doing, regardless of any kind of evidence, is enough to obliterate lives.

If someone is proven to have committed a crime, your outrage has merit.

While i don’t care for his politics, i care even less about the hurt feelings of fragile far left cry babies who think the most important point of consideration of any topic is how they, as an individual, feel about it.

Political mud slinging has been around forever. It applies to every one in politics, regardless of

Well there is also the very real possibility...that he was intentionally mispronouncing the name as a means of conveying that in the political realm, she was not important enough to be noticed, to have her name learned, or to be at all concerned with her, her views or opinions at all.

Which is par for the course when

She’s a big fat bitch living in the public eye.

If ya don’t want stupid ass strangers asking you rude, personal questions ya have three options:

1.) Stay out of the public eye, and continue down the path of not even being to remember what your genitals (and eventually, your feet) even look like as you live a life that

I don’t care what cosby did, 20,30, or 50 years ago.

It does not matter.

It has no baring on my life, your life, or anyone elses outside, possibly of a small group of a few dozen women. I say possibly, for the simple fact that every single accusation came about years, or decades after the fact, without a single shred

Who the fuck cares? Tastes vary, and just because someone happens to be successful or even just technically proficient doesn’t mean that everyone else within that industry has to act as if they’ll be pining for the lost opportunities to feast on their ass, just because they’re dead.

He was a 65 year old drunk and