
All black lives do not matter.
All white lives do not matter.
All lives, do not matter.

Much like everything else in existence, it’s on a case by case basis.
No, i am not saying that no black lives, white lives, or lives in general matter.
This comment has nothing to do with race.

Humanity has convinced itself that every

Comedy, is about what is funny. People are people, and adopting some kind of ultra fragility to remove yourself from the rest of society, in an attempt to elevate yourself into being beyond mockery or fault, is fucking narcissistic. You don’t get to be part of the group if there are special rules that apply only to

45% of voting age people did not vote in 2016. You can denounce those that fall into that group of voters, but it’s inaccurate to claim that men, on average are more like to be a trump supporter, because we really don’t know, and that’s part of the fucking problem in the shit hole that is the U.S of A

Except that isn’t really an accurate reflection of the population, because 45% of people didn’t vote in 2016. That’s more like 28.6% of women and 34.65% of men, while the 2018 midterm elections saw the highest turnout on record with 49.6%, after all those grassroots campaigns and endless coverage we sat through and it

You’re dreaming if you think people are making characters that look like themselves. People go in two directions, high-concept RP fantasy character, or an idealized version of themselves.

Being D&D, the people that have been playing the series since the 90's, or those that play the traditional campaigns with P&P are

I hate you people so fucking much

See, this is the problem. Accusations don’t mean shit, and random internet assholes have proven time and time again that they do not deserve to be trusted at their word. Accusing someone of discrimination has become a filthy little cheat code, where upon making a claim a sea of mindless white assholes clamor to show

Jesus christ, nut the fuck up.

The problem with these kinds of stats is that the definition of harassment has changed, drastically and drastically over the past few years, and the left wing media has done their damnedest to ensure that hurt feelings are the only metric that matter. Personal perceptions are the only

So everyone should think, behave and act in a manner that you, personally find to be appropriate?

How about this? If you’re going to be dumb, shallow and needy enough to pretend that everyone just “needs” to be kept up to date on what’s going on in your personal life, you should expect that not everyone is going to

Most people are not racist.
You exhibit numerous traits of being a racist piece of shit, in fact i would argue your career is built around the notion of being racist, but justifying it as “nope, i’m black, black ain’t racist”

Whether you are or not, is something that only you know for sure. Ya sure as hell look like it

I’m genuinely asking here, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

The world is enduring a global pandemic, and the US is the dumpster fire of the entire world, with less than 4% of the population accounting for over 20% of the infections and deaths. Throughout it all, this blog has been banging the drum about the dispr

No one else is responsible for your choices.
If you’re looking at marketing on the front of food packaging, but ignoring the nutritional information on the back, guess what? You did the dumb.

But this isn’t a lack of education or knowledge, everyone knows what is bad for you and what isn’t. They eat it anyway, and

Accidents....happen. Do you really think, in your heart of hearts, that the police orchestrated some conspiracy in order to murder a 26 year old EMT...because she happened to be black?

Beyond that, regardless of whether or not the police identified themselves, at the point that someone starts shooting at YOU, be you

Ok black people.

When you throw around words like “murder” perhaps you should understand what it actually means,

“unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another”

think out or plan (an action, especially a crime) beforehand.”

The charge of murder, requires INTENT. Intent, means you

Spank/smack them then send them to their room to stare into a corner for an hour.

Yeah, this should be a last resort, but at the end of the day your job as a parent is to prepare them for the world, something that parents have not been very adept at for the past 30 or 40 years. Stop indulging them, stop trying to be

I’m gonna say this again. TheRoot, is dedicated to presenting white people, all of them, as inherently racist. It doesn’t matter what they say or do, their intent, their reasoning their feelings, are all irrelevant if it means someone who is not white experiences something that they do not like, think is fair, or

The good thing about printers now, is they all have wireless capability.
You can put them, literally (not figuratively) anywhere that is within range of your wireless router. On a high shelf, under your desk, in a closet. Doesn’t matter as long as it’s within wifi range.

Also, if you’re buying an inkjet printer,

The good thing about printers now, is they all have wireless capability.
You can put them, literally (not

While i have no fondness of Paris, i fail to see how her use of racially insensitive language from more than a decade ago, which was as far as i can tell directed at no one, is at all relevant.

I’m just so sick and tired of listening to the thought police pretend that saying certain words somehow indicates your views

:::Gasp::: Oh....oh my god. I can’t believe it, quickly, citizens tell your fellow man! EVERYONE MUST KNOW! Politicians are opportunistic, two faced frauds, desperate to accomplish their ends by any means necessary, even at the cost of the will of the people they’re meant to represent! WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS

Yeah, it’s amazing how during a global pandemic that has infected 30 million that we’ve confirmed, and killed 1 million that we’re admitting to, all the people going out to protest, and refused to wear masks at the height cause “people be racist” are getting sick and dying at a disproportionate rate.

The world does