Poet Desmond

I find I can’t agree with your reasoning. It comes down to an age old argument. Is any art entirely unique? Or is all art derivative? I believe the latter. I believe that not a single artist in human existence has ever created art that didn’t take from someone else. We as humans, are simply incapable of perceiving

Im heartened by how many comments seem to find this to be a bad take.

which means no, you can’t download it for free”  challenge accepted 

No need to tarnish the day that James Brown passed... that’s a sad enough memory. 

Please let him die on Christmas Day.

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.


Oh, I can do better than that! You know how *spoilers* Cap goes back in time and marries Peggy Carter? Joe Russo recently admitted that if he could rewrite it, he would have ended up with Hermione.


I’ve read the three volumes of Marx’s Capital, some of his treatises like the Critique of the Gotha Programme, Lenin’s State and Revolution, an edited compilation of Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks, and Althusser’s Reading Capital, and Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses. Besides small and large amounts of Frederic

Butters, you need to understand it doesn’t matter.

I loved Wonder Woman, even enjoyed the 2016 Ghostbusters, and I’ve always loved awesome woman in kicked ass roles ever since I was a kid with Ripley and Sarah Connor.

and it went on like that for a whole soul-crushing 10 minutes.

You can’t sue a company because the consumers are idiots”

Yes, the double standard. When Republicans act racist, Democrats call for their resignation. When Republicans are accused of sexual assault/harassment, Democrats call for their resignation. And when Democrats commit those same offenses, Democrats . . . call for their resignation.

Yeah, 100%.

the Dora Milaje School for Wishing a Motherfucker Would.

Uh I’m sorry it’s ACTUALLY a good movie period.

I’m pretty sure it’s been well documented what an asshole Henry Ford was. A fact which is proven by YOU knowing about it. I highly doubt you were alive when Henry was doing his awful shit.