
My friend’s wife was billed for an epidural that was never done! He spent hours on the phone trying to get it fixed and he was a healthcare worker at the time.

What a shit nurse. Speaking as a nurse.

They’re free if you’re on medicaid in NYC. Ask me how I know :)

Yeah spot on. That makes this so chilling. It’s insanely aggressive. The only way you wont be a victim is if you victimize others first.

Who’s Melissa Gates?

I don’t get it. What standing does someone have to sue a stranger who got an abortion? Like, on what grounds were they harmed? Can a lawyer explain to me how this is supposed to work because this makes no sense to me at all.

YES! That was really weird and took me out of the article. Maybe she meant HEB’s Central Market?

Lol at HEB being upscale. The one nearest me had a pawn shop inside it. Maybe you’re thinking of Central Market which is HEB owned and quite fancy.

There’s a difference: they’re thrifting, not shopping at the mall for fast fashion. It’s been at least 15 years since wearing “used” clothes was cool. In my youth, it was embarrassing to have something freshly bought at the mall. I remember scuffing new shoes on purpose and rubbing dirt on new backpacks so they

Something isn’t adding up here...JW don’t serve in the military, they won’t even salute a flag and refuse to even work for military-adjacent industries and the only non sciency thing in their religion is refusal of blood transfusions like...that’s it. It’s Christian Scientists who refuse all modern medicine (not sure

I know a crazy left wing nutter with an “indigo child” who’s constantly posting articles claiming that barring people who are not vaccinated from schools, travel and movie theaters is the same exact thing as mandatory vaccination. So that might be the rhetoric around that.

I’m with you. It is disturbing and I wish it wasn’t so prominently displayed.

Hmmm that’s interesting that you mention this about the infrastructure not being ‘hardened’. I was always surprised how often traffic lights would go out in Austin at any slight rain or wind. Coming from New England this was not something I was used to and I found it odd. Also the lack of small bridges over

Wow that is so well said. I wholeheartedly agree with you.

YES what the hell is with this Cardi worship? As far as I can tell it’s all empowerment washing. WAP is so thoroughly male gaz-y I am stunned when people try to make it out as some kind of feminist victory. And Cardi B as an egalitarian? You have to be kidding me. Making money and not giving a shit is fine I guess but

No worries. I think my perspective is the minority here. I don’t think being a woman will make you inherently a good or bad leader. The opposite of these goons who believe anyone with a vagina is going to automatically install a “matriarchal gynocracy” is not claiming that all women make better leaders but

Thank you for your kind words! In my 30s I learned to let it go. Life is too short to worry about double chins :)

My case that women are people with all different points of view?

I have the exact opposite instinct. Anyone military/police is immediately suspect until they prove they are not shitty human beings. And it’s not discrimination. You choose to put on the uniform. It means that even at baseline you are ok with imperialism and injustice because that’s the staus quo. I know there is some

I guess I get that to an extent as well, but it also assumes that no white people have any friends, coworkers or relatives that are black.