Parliamentarian of Crows

If Noah Hawley could just have a Star Wars project that doesn’t happen, he’d get the trifecta.

“Aaron got two As. Both of them were in his name.”

The new interview was conducted by ABC News’ Linsey Davis, and will be re-aired, in an extended version, on Monday night, before being distributed in chunks to the wider organization for continued feasting in the days to come.

This seems to lock up an Oscar for Gerwig, at least.

This is the only thing I’ve seen so far that actually looks good, other than maybe the black and white cartoon shooter in the article.

I’m still bemused that people somehow saw that as a threat.

This is somehow the fault of the Hobbit Extended Editions.

What do all three of those have in common. Massive central and south american immigrant populations. In this alt-earth, it is not that far of a stretch from where we’re are now to think, that those populations are equal or greater to what they are now. That in this movie, those populations have a greater impact

if only to answer the question of in what alternate universe would California and Texas ever be teaming up?

1970s Vegas would be amazing.

I was disappointed that this wasn’t another Miami Vice riff for all of about five seconds. This looks fantastic.


A reality competition producer is a terrible person. Who’d have thunk it?

Or, alternately, they aren’t buying into excuses like “well, Hamas is making us kill all those civilians,” which is an absolute nonsense argument.

They’re going to take Jay Leno to the roof and drop him off, alongside a bunch of watermelons.

Letterman even said, at the end of the episode, how much he had surprised himself by enjoying it. I suspect that experience is why he decided to go on Colbert.

For people who are interested in late night talk shows, Strike Force Five is a really good listen.

Wait a second, I thought that capitalism was supposed to make everything work optimally. Was that ... propaganda?

There is no way this mess isn’t all tied up with the “lore” of Ghostbusters 2.

Looking forward to the 2029 article arguing that “Rise of Skywalker — not actually that bad!”

None of this was really a thing when the drow were first introduced, other than them being evil and matriarchal. The weird sex shit all started with Ed Greenwood’s novels and various writers in Dragon magazine getting overheated thinking about all the possibilities (the twin murder orgasm thing came from a magazine