Parliamentarian of Crows

Putting Thor below the Eternals is nuts. Every time I try to finish the Eternals, I fall asleep. Thor at least can retain my attention throughout.

She invites him into the bathroom to give him a taste of the math he so proudly bragged about, choking him too aggressively until he rips her wig off.

Has The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel been trying to tell us all along that Midge is actually the villain?

This is not the first article about the lines being changed.

Writers took umbrage with this omission at the time

And I will quit working at Taco Bell if one more person complains about finding my pubic hair in the chalupas.

So stop diminishing my career!

the Academy pulled a Bill Maher

Also deep into self-parody at this point: Star Wars.

“There’s no earthly reason why we need to invent a technology that can mimic this most beautiful and mysterious creative act.”

A time jump a decade into the future seems like the big swing that’s coming.

When John came home at the end of the episode, Sally seemed to be over it — something unpleasant clearly was happening before he walked in the door, which wouldn’t have been the case if this had been Barry’s fantasy.

And then, from the future,

He lit it up like Antonio Banderas in The 13th Warrior!

100%. Nubia is fantastic, has its own queens, and it much more unequivocally “Black” as we know it today.

no, he would not have punched Thanos and doomed the universe

If you meet actual Egyptians from Egypt, and not just Americans with lots of opinions about what the rest of the world will like, they are all very clear on this issue and very tired of being drawn into what is, essentially, a political argument made by some African-Americans.

They, and north Africans generally, are an

It’s only a mystery if you insist that the actual images of her made at the time are all wrong.

But if we’re tossing out any evidence we don’t like, everything is a mystery.

Hatshepsut would be even better, as she’s a certified badass and one of the first women in history to rule in her own name.

I am hoping for the best for him -- and I enjoyed the special -- but I think he has further to go in getting sober.

In response to the lawsuit, DeSantis’ communications director Taryn Fenske said in a statement to CNBC, “We are unaware of any legal right that a company has to operate its own government or maintain special privileges not held by other businesses in the state. This lawsuit is yet another unfortunate example of

You know, if he just told her that he moderated an incel forum, he’d instantly be an incel again. Problem solved!


I just ... so many questions.