
Digimon, digital monsters,

Hey, remember in Little Witch Academia when Akko becomes a Marxist? Great show.

What’s this? Reid McCarter has just won a Pulitzer for Journalism? Wow!! Congratulations, buddy!

1000% driven by America’s lust for Whack-a-mole

It would also be an opportunity to tell us how spider man originally got those powers.

Will 2021 be the year we all finally acknowledge that social media is a branding exercise and literally nothing else? And we can finally treat everything stated in that space as an advertisement for whatever is being stated and the person stating it?

There were only a handful of tweets that I saw and they were buried in replies to other people and several years old, so I don’t see any reason to think the people who worked with him would have known. I don’t know about you, but I don’t generally search people’s Twitter timeline for slurs they may have used years ago.

“Hardspace” seems like a third-tier porn site in the MySpace era.

“Shipbreaker” would have been just fine. Are they intending “Hardspace” to be a series or something?

Well this is a new take. Apparently, theatres didn’t want to be open for business, and would’ve happily shut down (presumably many permanently) if not for that pesky Christopher Nolan giving them a product they might be able to sell. They weren’t at all annoyed when Trolls and Mulan and the like went straight to

I would say you missed me saying almost anything positive about the movie except that a few of the performers are likable and some of the colors are bright! ;)

If we’re going to pretend that it’s just business, and he willingly signed a legal contract, etc. then it should be equally fair, from a business perspective, to point out that Chappelle would be a fool not to use the impressive levers he has at his disposal to facilitate a better deal for himself, however

I mean he acknowledges in the monologue that yeah they have the right to do so, but that it’s also not quite right that they do so. He even said he appreciates Netflix because they went above and beyond by fulfilling his request, even though they could have told him to fuck off.

Now playing

Track: Asleep from Day | Artist: The Chemical Brothers | Album: Surrender

I have read Spider-Man comics my whole life and I loved the game overall but still thought it was gross and out of character that he literally helps restore a high tech surveillance state for the police to spy on the entire city. There are also some weird dialogue choices, like when you are beating the shit out of

Bernie is a current Senator, and extremely well-liked politician. Hillary is neither of those things

which he said was his opinion because of wage growth and low unemployment.”

— This is untrue in context. Unemployment is the highest it’s been in 6-7 years. It’s an “opinion” in the sense that “I think leprechauns cause gravity” is an opinion. At the most basic level, it’s not provably false, but it’s still the kind

Journalists are SUPPOSED to have an adversarial relationship with the government. It’s literally why you dummies have a fucking first amendment. You want stenographers? Hire fucking stenographers.

You should be embarrassed by your comment honestly.