Track: Teen Age Riot | Artist: Sonic Youth | Album: Daydream Youth
Track: Teen Age Riot | Artist: Sonic Youth | Album: Daydream Youth
restless, quirky Gatsby Welles
I was pretty disappointed with Swamp Thing. I had high hopes and it started off well, but it went from sci-fi/horror to melodrama pretty fast. It didn’t seem to have the focus and direction that Doom Patrol has.
I know for a fact that Orson Welles always intended that beach scene to be filled with Stormtroopers riding dewbacks in the background, but the technology just wasn’t there at the time.
How the hell do you direct and co-write a movie about Mutants, who represent oppressed minorities, and not give a shit about talking about racial politics?
well i also think not all c+’s are created equal. a c+ for a prestige drama definitely veers more to ‘you tried’.
But I bet Bill & Ted’s parents would be thrilled if either of them brought home a C+.
“C’s get degrees” is my family motto
Futurama. I’ll take my winnings in slurm.
This is probably going to be a controversial opinion, and my apologies if this offends anyone, but I liked Freaks and Geeks and thought it was too bad that it only lasted a season.
AG is a common way to get into politics. But the price for that particular path of serving your ambition are the people ground into dust by the criminal justice machine you help move along. There are other paths to a political career. She made a choice to springboard her career on the backs of all the people that get…
Well, we don’t have that kind of power! We’ll likely have criticisms of Harris and Biden over the next few months, but Trump getting voted out is our biggest concern right now. Whether we’ll have a legitimate election, however...
I’m sure Jezebel would be flattered to learn they are capable of “tanking” any candidate.
With you on Commando, but how dare you side-mouth Predator like that. Predator is a fantastic 80's action flick.
I know multiple people who have told me that saying that is blasphemy toward the lord and I should never do it. You should try meeting christians occasionally
When did this fucking comment section become reddit? Take that shit somewhere people will be impressed by how “edgy” you are bro.
You understand Native Americans still exist right? They aren’t a dead civilization you can dismiss because you’re shitty education system taught you cowboys killed them all 100+ years ago.
Not true: I’m incredibly nice and never shut up about it.
First of all, I don’t give a shit about my Zodiac sign.