
Well said.

Stupid story but it’s kind of related:

I put in a good 20 hours of OW Quick Play before I even tried Comp, and at first I was like “holy shit Comp is awesome, people are actually trying to win.” Then I went on an epic loss streak, dropped ~500sr (ranking down from Gold to Silver) and realized that I was getting a bit too invested in my ranking, when really

Who the fuck is this asshole? Hey asshole, who the fuck are you? 

I recently picked up Injustice 2 on a psn sale and it is also quite the bleak reminder of how badly microtransactions can fuck up a good game. It feels great to play but seriously fuuuuck that gear system it can go straight to hell. 

Omg. I’ve gotten to the point where I actually hate it when someone tells me about a good podcast, it’s like “look I have enough room in my life for exactly two podcasts and they are both taken.”

Now playing

Yeah, I haven’t watched the Americans because my TV schedule is jam-packed, but I totally get that. Personally I was pulling for Cobra Kai to get some attention (it got one nomination in a technical category) but when I look at this list and the competition against it, I can’t really blame them for missing it... There’

Yeah, at least Ciarán Hinds deserves SOMETHING for the Terror. And the production design??? AND THE SOUNDTRACK???? Damn that show was unbelievably good...

I was so sad to see Cobra Kai miss out on the big nominations. It was, without hyperbole, the best TV show I saw all year.

Now playing

I can’t believe I’d never heard that Dinosaur Jr/Cure cover before. That was awesome. Anyways, here’s my favorite: 

“Like the infinite horizon, it eludes my grasp.”

My friend if you just want to sit here quoting Gravity Falls back and forth at each other I will happily oblige.

“Well Ducktective, it seems you’ve really quacked the case...”

Post ur favorite Gravity Falls tv gag, I’ll start:

I agree completely and I just wrote this in another comment.

I remember arguing about this when Hulk came out, and rewatching those clips I’ll still go to bat for it... that CGI Hulk looks fine. He looks good. It’s fine. IT’S FINE GUYS!! Maybe I’m the only one but I honestly prefer this Hulk to the Edward Norton one... he was too dark and vein-y. I like seeing him in bright

Yea, also, if you’re gonna get all high and mighty about teaching kids that trump is bad, why give him a cute and affectionate nickname like “Plump?” That’s not even negative unless you hate fat people. 

Hot Take: I kinda like it? Well, I wouldn’t hang it on my wall, but it’s a pretty fun drawing with a lot of energy. At least it’s not boring. If an art student did this I’d encourage them to keep drawing. 

FYI you can flag comments, which I did for this loser and WhiteSoxLorenzo above.