
I’m the same age as Elizabeth and her story, since she was missing to when she was found and beyond, has always stayed with me. Primarily how she schooled Nancy Grace during an interview, and how she talked about how her school and church’s teachings of purity negatively impacted her after she returned home.

Because of a greenhouse? Did a villainous scallywag greenhouse break your heart?

You’re right. You seem like a caring dude. When you bring home flowers, pour her a glass of wine and say, “Why don’t you sit down while I put these in a vase for you?” That would be well received, trust me.

I FUCKING LOVE ANA TIJOUX for real she is fantastic.

I choose this as my Mom story:

My mom waited until I was a grown and married lady to tell me this story.

My mom is a spitfire. She’s a tiny, fierce, mean, Irish lady. She had 6 kids in 6 1/2 years. I have a ton of great stories about her, like the time she bought a huge crystal chandelier at an estate sale several hours from our home. Lacking anything to wrap it in for the ride home, she stripped down to bra and panties,

As a person, I say, “DANG, that’s cold, yo.” As an English teacher, I say, “DAMN STRAIGHT.”

My little sister came home one day sobbing and said “my friend hung himself.” My mom patted her on the shoulder and said, “hanged.”

because few judges have had to assign child support to two men in a case of a mother with twins

Sweeney unwittingly became a trans icon. I love that she gets that but also maintains that Pat’s gender identity was something else — not trans, but gender non-disclosing. As non-disclosing people all over will attest this is its own identity and the identity deserves and needs its own champions in culture. Including

5 year olds and 18 year old girls should be able to show their shoulders. It’s friggin hot in Texas and the 5 and 18 year old boys will just have to deal with it.

I applaud Kris Jenner for saying that to Hilton - more people should.

I'd like to thank him though for encouraging me to check out Dammiene Merlina. She's cute and funny.

I unfollowed Gabbi Gregg and Nicolette Mason on Intagram over their shilling of this shit line. The stuff is BAD.

Muhammad Ali..

I am so heartbroken for how desperately lonely this woman must be to believe this story.

God it's like none of you people saw Crossroads.

Emily corrected Luke on this on Gilmore Girls but i can't quit remember; do i offer best wishes or congratulations?

Too bad for Harry. Just missed the opportunity to get himself into a relationship with English royalty.