
I was with you the whole time except for the weird non-sequitur Clinton dig. Like, when did Bill or Hillary say that BLM was a nuisance? I’ll take either Clinton over Bernie “racists are just bummed about the economy, so it’s cool” Sanders.

2016 gave Splinter and the puritist progressives a new scapegoat and excuse: the Democrat Party. Now anytime the Democrats lose, anywhere, its the “establishment/centrist/etc” fault. The Dems can and will never do right by their eyes. The Dems will always be wrong and be at fault. No winning with these people.

Could you be more of a petulant diaper-baby? I doubt it.

But let’s face facts: we all know that there are others who’d have gladly voted “yes” were we not in such a “charged” atmosphere right now.

The Democrats didn’t just fail us; they wanted this.

Instead, Democrats put all their chips on an investigation by the FBI—an inherently evil organization which they have no control over.

What should he have fucking done? Given a speech? Fuck load of good that would have done.

Splinter’s sad allergy to reality rears its ugly head yet again...

That moment when being a trust-fund kid who has the ability to wax poetic about a system they’ve never taken the time to understand is suddenly meant to be a legitimate worldview.

Holy fuck. Do you have any idea how committees function? Do you have any idea how the basic branches of government are intended to work?


You’re much more nuanced than I was in my comment. +1

Splinter is the Fox News of progressivism, you have to remember. The connection to reality around here is tenuous at best. 

This is just classic Splinter clickbait. They don’t want to have to admit that the people who told them that protest voting for Jill Stein would cost us the Supreme Court were actually right. 

Anticipating a working knowledge of government procedures and rules (especially when those procedures and rules would preclude the kind of high-handed moralizing that suffuses so many posts around here) is a fool’s errand.

Shit, a working knowledge of politics would’ve kept a lot of these clowns from the “she doesn’t


The White House stifled the FBI investigation and 48 Democrats voted against Kavenaugh. Don't you dare with that bullshit of blaming them. Manchin deserted the party. No one else did.

This is some weak ass bullshit. The Democrats had no power. We’ve known since Kennedy retired that this was a losing battle, but it was a battle that the Democrats had to fight. They mounted as effective a campaign against Kavanaugh as could be made, and they lost, which was absolutely to be expected. This loss was

Oh fuck this.

Instead, Democrats put all their chips on an investigation by the FBI—an inherently evil organization which they have no control over. They could have gone right after Kavanaugh during his hearing. They could have questioned him, over and over again, about his drinking. They could have questioned him, over and over

Let’s be honest, The Intercept would have come after Harris twice as hard as they did Feinstein. Glenn Greenwald and his cronies are going to try and bury anyone who they see as possibly winning the dem nomination and beating Dump.

As a fellow oldie, I love shaking my cane at the kids on my lawn too. However, the new generation’s interests aren’t necessarily for anyone to understand. Why did we think feeding a fake digital pet that could keychain on our JanSport backbacks was cool? Why did we validate Radiohead’s decent into self-indulgent