
I fully intend to name my first liver biopsy after a particular student who once wrote an argument that was so profoundly asinine that I nearly quit then and there.

I know right? Before i even saw your post i was thinking “WAY too self-important, this person probably isn’t BSing, i think they might actually be a teacher.”

wow, that became about all about you very quickly...

So, all the bros who spent the last few months screaming at Katie Rife for daring to talk about this and INSISTING THAT THERE WAS NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT until some accusers came forward and until then this was just a plot by mean ol’ Jezebel and AV Club to smear poor Louie...

Trump’s election finally got me into serious activism (first time post-college). I started showing up, keeping a low profile, and listening more than I talked. I wanted to defer to the people in charge because, y’know, clearly they had more experience than me.

Answer the question. You’re getting that dirty Peter Daou cash to edit some rando’s comment on TheRoot, aren’t you?

This was also my reaction, lol. Sanders was never the Savior some people swear he was.

Maybe I’d rather not let assholes dirty up this thread. Have something of substance or GTFO.

As I’ve been saying since the election:

Sanders did more to energize the voting left than anyone else has done recently.

“The difference is that no Sanders surrogate went out and explicitly endorsed Trump.”

Are you fucking kidding me? He had lots of surrogates who said Clinton was no different than Trump and Sarandon who suggested that voting for Trump would bring on the Revolution of “Our Revolution”

You realize that while Clinton did say “super predators”, Sanders voted for that bill right? And there was a good bit of discussion about the term on twitter that puts it in context here, I can’t find a better way to link to it, I apologize, I hope the link even works. :(

The fact that nice, church going older black ladies lock stepped for “super predator” labeling Hillary is almost as weird to me as union members who vote for republicans.

Stop this! No one is asking for perfection. We’re asking would you please, Mr./Mrs. Candidate stop pandering to people who think your base is made up of lazy, worthless, colored people whose lives don’t matter. That’s actually the least we can ask for from a “progressive” candidate - the very least.

I don’t get your point, Sanders wasn’t the nominee. We got Donald Trump because enough people were willing to buy into the Hillary Clinton is a corrupt elite witch demon narrative that they either didn’t vote for her or were willing to vote for an incompetent racist.

So what about the 9 million voters who voted for Obama, and then voted for Trump?

This is such nonsense. I LOVED Bernie, but considering there was a not-insignificant overlap between Sanders voters and Trump voters, you can’t really count him as a net positive

But he marched once in 65!

If these Left voters or really any voters needed to be “energized” to vote against Trump they sound like pretty shitty people. You shouldn’t need the world’s greatest candidate as an alternative not to vote for Tango.