Thank you! That does make it a little more interesting. But it also seems like they are using that plot point to manipulate viewers into pitying a very unlikable character. An asshole is an asshole, and tragedy doesn’t really excuse that.
Thank you! That does make it a little more interesting. But it also seems like they are using that plot point to manipulate viewers into pitying a very unlikable character. An asshole is an asshole, and tragedy doesn’t really excuse that.
No no no, not being judgey at all, just honestly wanted to know. It’s not clear in the article, and television often makes drinking and driving seem like a lesser crime than it actually is. If it subverts that trope, that’s awesome.
Black lives can wait. SAVE THE BARBARIANS.
I KNOW RIGHT. My family had to flee from Spain during the Spanish Inquisition, and it’s like no one even CARES.
Did he actually kill a little boy when driving drunk? Did he go to jail for it? That’s kind of a fucking horrible crime to mention in passing. I hate when films and television fail to take things like this seriously.
God, if I hear one more person bring up the “BUT THE IRISH!!!” argument when discussing racial oppression I will strangle them. I’m Jewish, and I don’t feel the compulsion to yell out “BUT ANTISEMITISM!!!!” when discussing the Black Lives Matter campaign. Different topic for a different time. Totally and completely…
I have had trich since I was 7. I pulled out my eyelashes first, then my eyebrows. Eventually, I switched to the hair on my head. My lashes and brows grew back, but my head went bald. I now have a full head of hair, but it’s not because I stopped pulling. I just started pulling at less noticeable places (legs, arms,…
Michigan’s lead environmental regulator quit
... I’m laughing at you, but I promise I’m not judging you. ;)
I’m a Texan, so it’s a knee-jerk reaction to correct people on these things. Even though it really doesn’t matter. Haha.
Bluebonnets are the state flower (or wildflower, either way) of Texas. Bluebells are also a wildflower we have here, but not the ones people make a big deal out of.
I’m 95% sure the writers know and are doing it on purpose. Possibly like when they would make fun of tabloids referring to Kristen Stewart and her girlfriend as “gal pals”.
This is one of those weird moments where it seems like the people crying “troll” are the actual trolls. Jezzies are usually above the Hitler comparisons. has a good article on this “Donald-Trump-is-fascist” uproar that’s been trending lately. He doesn’t need to be a Nazi to be a fucking terrible person with…
You cruel bastard, my heart stopped a second when I got to the Louis Tomlinson bit. Too bad. That boy is a lost cause. #TeamStyles
... or they might actually, you know, be experiencing mental illness.
I’m a high school teacher, and this happens all the fucking time. The sad thing is that it works. Education shouldn’t be about keeping the parents happy. It should be about giving their children a fair and rigorous academic experience, dammit.
Agreed. Obviously lovely people. With a penchant for kind of terrifying selfies.
Seriously! Rather than get upset and defensive, she did some research and acknowledged the weaknesses in her speech. Plus, she managed to shine a light on intersectionality in the process (something we all really need to talk about more). Kudos all around.
Most women learn to see themselves in male characters from the time they start consuming books/movies/TV shows. We don’t really have a choice... well-rounded and interesting female characters are usually the exception rather than the rule. On the other hand, men always seem to have issues seeing themselves in female…