Please do this. Jezebel is my safe place to talk about issues with significance, not my safe place to talk about celebrities that I’ve never heard of/could care less about. I feel like the number of celebrity articles are already on an upswing...
Please do this. Jezebel is my safe place to talk about issues with significance, not my safe place to talk about celebrities that I’ve never heard of/could care less about. I feel like the number of celebrity articles are already on an upswing...
Ugh, why are they even making this into a movie? Something like this would never fucking make sense in modern times*. Women have other much more effective ways of influencing political decisions nowadays, thank you very much. But no. Let’s make a pseudo-girl-power movie about how women brought world peace by telling…
Yeah, I would 100% get fired for sending snark like this to a parent, no matter how much they deserved it.
My mom had the WORST periods, but the BEST menopause. Her periods finished and that was it. The lack of symptoms turned her into a bit of a hypochondriac though. She’d open the oven, or walk outside during summer, or go into a hot shower, and then claim she was having hot flashes. If feeling warm after a hot shower is…
Haha, an ex girlfriend bribed me to dress up as the Sailor Neptune to her Sailor Uranus one Halloween. The costumes were kind of cheap and depressing, though. I hope fate one day brings you and your Sailor Jupiter cosplayer back together!
I have had OCD since I was 7 years old (complete with bouts of trichotillomania), and I have since learned to reconcile the difference between people who are “OCD” about keeping their desks straightened up and people like me who ritualistically clean their desks to prevent a totally unrelated disaster from occurring…
It’s official, we are the same person. I fucking love Sailor Neptune.
Oh my god I wanted to be an astronomer FOREVER because of Sailor Moon (until I took a real astronomy class). To this day, my childhood crush on Sailor Jupiter has made me obsessed with the planet Jupiter. Sailor Moon changes lives.
You see, I interpreted this as being an introduction to the world of tech for those more predisposed to feminine interests. Hobbies related to make up and beauty don’t usually lead to an interest in programming. This type of activity can provide a link between the two. Once the skill is acquired (programming requires…
The mental image of this was just so brilliant...
I kind of like when overtly feminine things aren’t looked down on and seen as “lesser” uses of technology. I would have a fucking blast with this and maybe learn a lot in the process. It’s like how I didn’t care at all about coding until I discovered robotics. Suddenly C++ became A LOT more interesting. Sometimes you…
Well, 30 Rock taught me how to fall on a chair if I find myself choking and alone, so...
Yup, exactly. “Rape jokes” are very specific thing, and this isn’t it. The article is attempting to be provocative by using a misleading premise.
Jewish people who are surrounded by other Jewish people grow up saying Jew-fro. Our parents say it and our friends say it and our rabbis say it. I was often complimented on my “Jew-fro”, and I was very proud to have one. I never spared a thought to how offensive a term it was until I heard my Jewish friend explain my…
I made the decision to never get married or have children when I was 10. Everyone said I would change my mind. Still happy with my choices maaaany years later and always give myself a high five when I see unhappy marriestudies like this (even whenever they are bullshit).
Louis Tomlinson does a lot of things that make me furious. And he used to be my favorite :(.
This. It bothers me when people say women are too empathetic. No. We are doing it right. Men are raised to be cold bastards, and that’s the actual problem.
Thank you SO MUCH for finding this. I’m 100% showing this to my class next year.
Yup, we had that in University as well! There’s also a part where a creeper guy very intently watches another guy scrub down naked in a emergency lab shower. It was hilaaaarious.