
I’m also a Jew, and I give you permission to be snarky. I get that it freaks out some people that our faith might not exist anymore in one hundred years, but only letting yourself breed with other Jews on purpose is kind of ew. Especially when *technically* all Jewish mothers have Jewish babies regardless of who the

I was going to go with a picture of Beyonce (Queen Bey), but this works too.

Agreed. Look at ‘em. So fucking cute. (I pretty much ship Poussey x the entire world)

I don’t even care that Taystee is straight. I STILL SHIP IT.

This was fucking fantastic, thank you.

This post kind of made me cry. I am always so fucking thankful that narcotics are still legal. The laws controlling them keep on getting more stringent and I know it’s getting harder for a lot of people in terrible pain to get them. I’m pretty young, and without narcotics I would be bedbound. Completely nonfunctional

OH MY GOD ME TOO. One time I literally said aw-ree and my friends laughed at me for hours. HOURS. To this day, they will find any and all ways to put “aw-ree” in a sentence when they are around me.

He actually did the sugar-in-the-gas-tank urban legend thing. Are we 100% positive he graduated from college?

I feel like this would have made an excellent MythBusters episode.

It’s the conservative South Korean activists. They freak out at any and all attempts to have peaceful discourse with the DPRK and make up alarmist shit like this. So yeah.

They way the media is portraying this is off, which is why I think everyone is entirely missing the point. It’s funny, because the majority of Jezebel readers are expressing the same opinion as conservative South Koreans. And conservative South Koreans are freaking insufferable, sometimes even more so than American

I know a lot of people are giving you shit, but you are 100% in the right here. People really don’t like being called out on their privilege and will fight tooth and nail to prove they don’t have it. But they do.

Yup, doesn’t even have to be 12. I was my mother’s only vaginal birth, and she likes to blame me for destroying her vagina. Depends on the lady and the strength of her pelvic floor.

You can do reverse image searches??! What is this devil magic??!! (Apparently I fall perfectly into this demographic of suckers).

But like, it’s also the same chlorine that’s in table salt. As far as I’ve read, sucralose is mostly indigestible. If any part of it is dangerous, it’s going to be the molecule as a whole, not the chloride ion by itself.

Actual question: what toxins? I hate Splenda and I think it tastes awful, but I can’t find any literature that actually qualifies it as dangerous to humans (model organisms are model organisms and researchers are generally careful before making conclusions about humans from studies that focus on rats.)

Just saying, it’s extremely easy to be vegetarian and only eat cheap junk food that takes two seconds to prepare. And with zero fresh vegetables! I had a roommate that lived off of nachos, oriental flavor ramen, and oreos. So yeah, whether or not a meal contains meat has very little to do with the healthiness or the

Oh man, Franky’s transformation was like a slap in the face to me. I was so excited to see a genderqueer-ish character that “likes people”, but then in the next season the new writers were just like “NOPE! FORGET ALL THAT!”

Oh yay, I am so so glad to see you writing again! I’ve been checking for you on ROYGBIV like crazy! I did see your comments explaining why, I just wanted to let you know that I’m a lurker-fan that’s glad you are back :). As for the article, you are 100% right. People I know who are very sensitive to trans* issues have

Thank you so much for doing this. Teachers and administrators really honestly do not understand why enforcing dress code like this might be problematic for young girls. I tried explaining it to fellow teachers, but it really just went over their heads. “These girls dress up like they are 18!” “Have you seen how short