
Dress codes drive me insane. INSANE. My boobs came early, and I was punished for it in school. I remember getting in trouble for having a low cut shirt in fourth freaking grade. It was mortifying. I was like, 9! And a really good student! And suddenly my body was being sexualized in a way I didn’t understand yet. I

Oh wow, Aeroplane Over the Sea is one of my favorite albums of all time. I didn’t know they were playing shows again! I seriously would have been that girl. Just all the nostalgia and all the feels.

I once confided in a coworker that I thought was a good friend about having vulvodynia (google it). I explained it to the best of my abilities, and she somehow came to the conclusion that I had vulvar cancer. She literally told everyone at my work about the “diagnosis”. No one ever said anything to me and I never said

Hahaha, anti-catters. That’s perfect and so true. The leader of my birding group has all of these bitter stories about her neighbor’s cats sneaking into her backyard and terrorizing the birds at her feeders. Rather than blame the cat for being a cat, stop luring the birds over to a place where they might become cat

That’s actually interesting, I hadn’t heard about the controversy surrounding the study. They quote it left and right in the birding community. All I can find when I google the discrediting of the study are cat advocate blogs, though (which are also biased). Either way, I never said cats were the main problem and we

Lots of vets are rednecks. It’s sad, but true. Rural veterinary clinics are horrible places to work if you love animals.

I worked with a few veterinarians that loved hunting. I know it’s considered “socially acceptable” animal killing, but I still don’t get it.

No, actually oldscrumby is right. Outdoor cats (including feral/stray/whatever) kill billions of birds a year and it’s an issue. There are very few species of bird that are legitimately flourishing currently, and there are lots of reasons why. One reason happens to be cats.