
Really? I think feminism's biggest mistake was when it opened up the portal to the vampire dimension.

One time a chick told me she wanted video games to have other chicks in them once in awhile. Oppression! !!

Bar Rescue is totally the show I cue up on my phone while drift to sleep. I find the whole thing very soothing.

You've never heard someone say they were traveling to Europe or "backpacking in Europe"? I've also heard that used when referencing other areas of the world, including when people say they are "going to the Holy Lands" or something similar. In any case, those people could have meant it the way you thought they did, or

Klassic Kris.

To be fair to those IR majors, people also say they want to study abroad in "Europe". I think that's just the nature of the question. Not being specific when answering a question like that doesn't necessarily mean they don't understand geography or that Africa is not a country in an of itself.

Word. Like, kids are short as hell. Put it up really high in a place where they don't know of its existence. If you're SUPER concerned, put it under lock and key. There are no children or pets in my house, and I still put it on top of the fridge, just in case someone's kids happen to come over. Not difficult.

His eyes are saying "I KILLED MY MAKER!"

Which is a true and actual fact.

you had medicine and cleaning products within 20 miles of children?

Erin, before you go to the Stanley Hotel, you are first required to get high and stare at our state mascot/guardian/demon for an hour. It's actually state law.

I want edibles to be banned in Colorado because fuck you guys for being allowed to have them legally in the first place.

As a Coloradoan who has actually purchased edibles in Colorado, they all come in medicine like bottles and containers anyway, designed to be as safe from children as your average bottle of aspirin. And then you have to take them in your magical pot bag that gets all sealed up so you can show that your pot is in it's

Who runs the world? GOURDS.

Celebrity Edition!

OMG I forgot all about that stupid sweater with the holes and how Serena was bitching about it being cold. IT WOULDN'T BE SO DAMN COLD IF YOUR SWEATER WAS IN ONE PIECE, SERENA.

I love Goopy. She is clearly not self aware which makes the shit she says hilarious. But. I bought her book for my sickly grandmom and all her recipes are great and she was Margot Tenenbaum and she donates shitloads of money to Planned Parenthood. Now, Curated Pickley on the other hand, ugh.

This story is so tragic. Such suffering, to have to live in Dallas AND get married in Cleveland.

The family that's cray together stays together.