
I am so hopped out right now. I've been on a microbrewery break. I don't need to be punched in the face with flavor with every drink I have. Especially during the hot and muggy summer in Minnesota, an almost flavorless beer goes down quite nicely. As it's getting getting colder, maybe I'll return to the

I remeber that too!!! OMG ...that was the most horrible story EVER and has kinda turned into my worst fear, espite that fact that I don't even eat Pumpkin-seeds EVER!

dog: bark bark BARK arf

he's so qt, tiiiny little russian space broooo RUN

lol my pieces would all be

the first time i tried to roll it was too loose and the paper caught and i almost lit my bangs on fire

You know to be fair those drunk people usually have friends that pull them back and out. Everywhere I've been/worked where I've seen that happen an embarrassed girlfriend or group of buddies pulled them out. The only place I didn't see that happen where it was self policed the bouncer threw the dude out on his ass. So

it feels important to post this now

Yeah, that part rubbed me just a tad the wrong way. You don't — and shouldn't — get particular protection from sexual harassment because you're wearing the "right" outfit.

We were in a family-friendly restaurant, around 6:30pm, and I was wearing a loose-fitting, long sleeve shirt, jeans, and no makeup...so I'm not sure where the confusion arose as to what kind of service you were being provided.

Touching someone's ceiling is definitely something you don't do till AT LEAST date 7.

Holy elk farts. I'd almost convinced myself that I'd hallucinated this product.

Seriously, any dude that uses "libations" (or even worse "m'lady") who is not dressed in period-accurate reproduction clothing needs to be drawn and quartered. The Queen has so ordered.

You obviously don't live in the Midwest (specifically Wisconsin). Pretty much anyone I know is wearing something from Kohl's on any given day.

I read this and thought, "Please don't be my alma mater..." So glad the administration is taking this seriously.

idk, i feel like you're mistaking professionalism/Good Copping with like, him not shoving her to the ground to arrest her- which is almost completely understandable since that's the best we can hope for at this point in the US. but he was willfully attempting to circumvent the law by telling her she has to give ID,

Same for me. I always find something good at Kohls. I especially love that they sell suit separates. Good for those of us with significant boobage who need a larger suit jacket and smaller pants/skirt. And the prices are always good, especially when I snag a 30% off coupon.

I don't know what's going on with this necklace, but I fucking love it. It's like crazy cyborg jewelry.

Ive offered to buy my godsons mom the coat in the middle just so she can walk around the house all day saying "Its Handled".

This, but with the pink coat.