-- --- .-. ... . (AKA "Morse")

I chortled.

Man expresses his emotions, is called “whiny” and told to shut it. Way to go about reinforcing gender stereotypes. On that note, “calm down, ma’am.”

The gender of a counselor or therapist does matter to a great many patients for very legitimate reasons. For example, I refuse to see male therapists because I have trouble expressing emotion around men.

Wow. Y'all are jaded.

Quick update: this app is in beta testing and, to make a profile, you have to have an invite code, which one can request. Who knows if or when I'll get the invite code. But, until then, there's not much I can do.

Sure. I've got nothing going on tonight. Will post back with first impressions, results.

Time, place, manner restrictions must be narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest. A blanket suspension of all frats on campus certainly did not meet that standard.

UVa is a public institution. There are certainly freedom of association and due process issues at play here.

They may not have been guilty of *this* offense, but that shouldn't preclude the school establishing better rules to help prevent future crimes.

Nothing says youthful rebellion quite like copyright infringement.

Calm down, Tipper Gore.

Someone's gonna need to tell him that you need to file some paperwork to actually sue someone. Just saying "I'm suing you" doesn't count.

His ex-fiance bought it for him. I'm 90% sure of that.

I absolutely get how the fact that your influence only extends to the schoolyard's edge can be limiting and frustrating. I couldn't imagine how difficult it is to impose order on such youthful chaos.

You joke, but I feel like the decision to take the cane away from this kid might have been the result of some tortured reasoning in the context of a "zero tolerance" policy.

What happened to the use of scolding as a disciplinary instrument? Why not just call the parents if his behavior was so poor?

If we're tossing around ideas for T-Shirt slogans, I've got one:

"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you just ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

Agree to disagree. But, really, tell me: how far can you punt a football?