Oh yeah, and the Little Mermaid statue is a huge waste of time. But walk through the Assistens cemetery, it’s lovely and they treat cemeteries more like parks. People hang out in them with friends and drink beer in the summer.
Oh yeah, and the Little Mermaid statue is a huge waste of time. But walk through the Assistens cemetery, it’s lovely and they treat cemeteries more like parks. People hang out in them with friends and drink beer in the summer.
Hi HYC, I have two good tips for you.
Don’t forget that with Airbnb, you can either stay in a shared house (meaning: you are renting a bedroom from the host, who lives there and is around), or you can just get an entire private apartment.
While I don’t totally understand it, I think the “psychological age gap” shrinks as time goes on. In other words: let’s take a ten year age gap.
PLEASE call Child Protective Services on this woman... that’s child abuse.
Agreed. A FANTASTIC piece of investigative journalism.
I can’t believe you guys didn’t talk about the comments on his Medium post announcing the game. Way, way more interesting than what he wrote.
Fantastic journalism. Bravo. Exactly the kind of longform articles I like.
Weird that at 0:34, the guy says “chihuahua fans, are you ready?” —um, dachshunds aren’t chihuahuas.
Speaking as a gay dude myself— Jesus Fucking Christ, closeted gay dudes are the worst. They don’t deal with their own issues and then dumb-ass (and criminal) shit like this comes out and fucks up a bunch of people in the process. Sad.
As a gay man, looking out for my straight brothers— I heartily endorse all these techniques. Glad you gals are catching up.
Seriously, this dude’s comments about women in the military are such a fucking breath of fresh air. Great to read.
LOVE this guy’s attitude about women and gay folks on subs (and in the military). Great piece of journalism, too. Bravo.
But... but.... NOW how I will have my flat white?!
I fucking love this article because as one of Le Gay (yes! even more French!), this entire article is really about how mainstream we've become. It's been a long goddamn battle to get to the point that an article like this needs to be written. So, hurray. And yeah, I totally I agree with you. ;-)
Holy Christ. I got as far as clicking the "video" link, glancing at the still frame on the video player and CLOSE THAT FUCKING TAB SO FUCKING FAST
Windows only...
yeah, as a 'mo, I found a lot of my fellow 'mos on OkCupid (which skews young) and match.com. eHarmony is a BIG NO and POF seems a little hetero for me too, though maybe I wasn't looking hard enough. good luck out there... in the past I found the best dating pool on Connexion, an early gay Friendster-like social…