Patrick Nichols

As part of the plea deal with North Carolina officials, Watson agreed never to mention any money he gave to basketball players too.

At a press conference today NCAA President Mark Emmert hailed this as a victory for the sanctity of the student/athlete. He then excused himself saying he was going to take a massive shit and use a stack of $100 bills to wipe his ass when he finished.

North Carolina really has its priorities in check when deciding which hills to die on.

Syracuse NC ring.

Well there goes the only ring he’ll ever have.

I got bored and have very little sleep:

Unfortunately, unloading the vendor trucks at night and having to fly everywhere on off days for scouting will take a toll on his baseball preparedness as the season goes on.


Pretty sure it was his WAR that landed Thames in Korea too.

Yeah bro I hear ya. My cousin shared needles all the time in the 80s and never got AIDS. Screw a bunch of nerds with their statitsc... stattisk... stats.

People who say shit like this are basically the equivalent of antivaxers, but somehow even dumber.

I swallowed two joints when I was pulled over traveling through Colorado last year. Really didn’t think that one through

My money is on the Rapture and the return of Jesus Christ.

I say the red stuff equals chem trails. Wingnut wackos have money to spend too.

It’s baseball! It’s fundamental to have someone else cover home.

I work in IT, and can’t stress enough the importance of reliable backups.

With VR NASA should be taking hours worth of high-res 360 3D footage for the world to experience.

Then just get on your unicorn and ride the fuck away, after that happens.

Read blogs. Not too much. Mostly Deadspin.