
‘This Lakers core will have face real expectations for the first time next season...’

Futue Projects = deciding how many pins she will be sticking in her little orange Trump voodoo doll. That’s also what she calls Trump’s penis.

Is he just doing that thing like in P.E. class where the first time you run the mile you do it really half-assed so the bar is like an inch off the ground and then your second time running it is OFF THE CHARTS IMPROVEMENT, WHO IS THAT KID??

Big nothing burger, here, folks. #right?

Reagan has no idea where he is in that shot.

J.R. ‘Cold Clam Chowder’ Smith

This is the guy who’ll help you win it all.

I think the STUPID GOVERNOR needs to hear ‘THE SNAKE’!

‘For the love of God, enough. A filing cabinet can set a screen.’

Tom, I too was watching, and just straight up started laughing. Off his fingertips I was just like, ‘jesus thats going in, huh’.

Really bails out Kaep and all those other sons of bitches, amirite?

'...Papadakis and Cizeron stand less than two points...'

For Grace was incredible, Kevin. Netflix has a lot of food-programming, but seriously, yours is the best thing on there. Unexpectedly and extremely moving.

God you just knew this guy was a fucking prick who likes prick pics, right?

Breaking With Tradition, POTUS Vetoes Dignity

He once put a paper ring on my ring finger that read, “My beautiful Ari,” and told me he wanted to spend his life with me. He was 34. I was 16.

Report: Multiple NBA GMs very high on Rick Ankiel, Chuck Knoblach, Yips McYipsey

This is a gritty article.

So......Lonzo and IT both in L.A.....on the Lakers......this is going to go well for sure.

Did anyone recognize a single person LeBron high fives after game winner? (Teammates?)