
Eight years old? That’s already nearly halfway to being eligible for First Mistress!

Did anyone pee in it to prep it for Trump?

surprised he’s not rolling in on a soviet missile launcher through a tunnel of golden showers

Don’t forget: Clinton Foundation crimes!

They should just give him a Hyundai Elantra.

are sure?

Oh, the Beast will be there. You can be sure of that.

Follow-up post:


Good for him. Every time a Juke explodes, an angel gets its wings.


I have never heard this in my life. Definitely not a more common term. Did people say this when Baywatch was still on?

Coffee.. Coffee spewed everywhere. Can’t breathe.. Laughing too hard.

The girl of my dreams would have a dick because she brings a lot more to the table but what’s the point of a small and light mid-engined sports car that you can’t control with a manual?

...and you lean over to said dick-woman and whisper in her ear, “nice price.”

Oh heck yeah I’d buy that for $1,800. I’d buy it tomorrow if I were within a few hundred miles. I’d spend the next few years looking for a manual transmission to swap in to it, and in the mean time I’d still have a great second car.

Dont understand the big deal about manuals. It is a good car for a good price and a fun drive. I could care less how often i have to move the stick.

Did not even have to read anything before clicking NP. The shell alone is worth asking price.

I don’t see what’s so offensive about the Women’s Equal Trade Fellowship of Anaheim, Rosemead, and Torrance.

Congratulations, Mr. Reinhardt (PhoenixNFA): My Ultimate (Earthshatter) is charging! 0%, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a Mitsu whenever she finishes reading Wikipedia’s Mitsubishi page.