
Or that he doesn’t realize that Border Patrol’s budget is up 40% since 2009, or that they’re no different from any other federal employees in terms of not getting raises.

Hi, I can help with this:

It’s not. Social Services are actually primed to check for this, so this thing exactly does not happen.

Now, there are social programs for immigrants, but iirc, they are mostly state/private ran and have nothing to do with the government.

Hells, Immigration Services is literally the only US federal agency where you

but don’t ignore the facts just to fit the meme

this list is inaccurate in at least one way

Hatches, ranked:

We also haven’t received a raise in 5 years, while illegal aliens, people who shouldn’t be here, receive free home, health care, food, and welfare.

Because they’re told so.

Can anyone explain to me why dumb people think people who aren’t in the country legally can get on welfare? It’s already too hard for people who have never even left the country to get government assistance.

That is incredibly pathetic. Try harder next time R5.

“If we pull out of NATO, that’s a lot of money saved in troop pay and base maintenance.”

Hey readers!

Nice job by number 1 maintaining the illusion once he blue himself.


People think the worst things about the Trump presidency is that Donald Trump is a hate-spewing, divisive narcissist with no experience or plan.

But the worst thing for me is that Mitch McConnell is happy.

Yeah, no change.

Hey, hey, hey!

“Don’t you remember when Maggie shot Mr.Burns?”

(last will and testament is read) (she is sold to a Russian oligarch to pay off his debts)