
Man it doesn’t fall in the video game spectrum, but I’d like to see some more information on who his business partners are in this Nimble America venture, I mean just checking the website the President of the organization’s own words to describe himself come off shady as hell:

My response keeps veering between “What the shit” and “Oh, of course.” This prettymuch sums up the world that we live in right now.

Never go full retard, dude.

There was an interesting op-ed in the times a few days ago saying ‘edgy’ republicanism among young people is the new punk rock. Clueless morons wanting to rebel against SOMETHING, and right now that something is progressive politics and an attempt at good worldwide vibes. This kid would have been protesting GWB

White Silicon Valley Tech Millionaire Unaware He Is Already Part Of The American Elite

It’s likely due to:

Long day, jello brain, be kind.

“Never usually”

I remember Dusty Rose specifically as an incredibly popular decorating colour in the ‘80s.

I legitimately think that Dusty Rose is the name of the Mary Kay Cadillac color. I’m not going to google it because Idon’t want to be proven wrong.

1. It’s full of people with bad social skills.

let’s call it on purpose, here’s the synopsis:

Telling off trolls sounds so much classier in French. Next time someone is mean to me, I’m going to say “à tous les haters, je vous souhaite sincèrement... un prompt rétablissement” then put on sunglasses and glide away.

The mics make such a difference. I played over the weekend and partway through the first round of a KotH match, lost someone on the team. Down one player, we won the first map, and were within 10% of winning each of the next three.

Add a dash of Zarya’s Graviton Surge, and you’re in for a goddamn killfest!

This is exactly what happened to me this weekend (just picked up the game). My buddy was Ana and he hit me (Soldier 76) with the nano boost. It was a thing of beauty. The enemy team just fell, leaving the point wide open for us to capture and win the game. That was my first introduction to a sweet combo like that. Of

Having an ult up for either during a boost is nice but not needed. If anything(as long as you’re getting heals) boosting without an ult and getting kills/damage in usually will give you one so after it ends you can go right back in with CC.

There is nothing better than Ana’s ult + Soldier’s ult. You can wipe a whole team. But Ana’s really should communicate their ult. If Ana tells the team her ult charge I’ll respond with my ult charge so she knows whether or not to boost me.

Always when you need to reload. Nothing better than spending half the ult reloading and then whiffing a hook. Woo me.