Because Science

I had the same reaction. What she did was wrong. But I seriously doubt that the police chief’s reaction would be the same if the shooter was a white man like himself.

Oh I’m not trying to reduce anything and I don’t think his reaction should have been less because she’s a woman. She’s a murderer and absolutely deserves that response and should be charged and put in jail. I was just finding it interesting (there really should be a better term but isn’t) that the first time the

Okay, gotcha.

Whoa, sorry sars. Never did I intend to say that somehow it’s cool if we ignore black women’s rights until after we settle black men’s rights.

Am I the only one shocked but not really shocked that the one time we actually have a police chief decrying the shooting and saying justice will be served it’s when it was a female officer doing the shooting?

Yup, and if you’re a black kid with a BB gun, cops are apparently justified in shooting you rather than take the risk of it not being real. Fuck literally everything.

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

You’d think a guy bragging about building a wall could manage a few curtains.

And I would walk five hundred miles,

Seth Meyers has been on it this entire election. He, Sam Bee, and John Oliver are getting me through this.

She seems nice.

I think SNL already did a parody on him:

I think this is a beautiful sentiment. The idea that finding balance between two opposites is how you find harmony, this is not a new idea. Why does it sound so crazy to you?

I know lots of short-term focused, aggressive women and a lot of thoughtful, nuanced men. Maybe assigning a gender to a trait is what the poster thinks is silly about Grenier’s comment.

Yeah I didn’t find that paragraph weird at all. America has stupid ideas about male & female roles but then looks down on ones that many other cultures have embraced for eons. His descriptions of male & female encompases some pretty basic stuff.

I think this is a beautiful sentiment. The idea that finding balance between two opposites is how you find harmony, this is not a new idea. Why does it sound so crazy to you?

Scorpio at the earliest comes out in a year. At the earliest. PS4 Pro isn’t even really a Scorpio competitor. WE know next to nothing about it. The Xbox One is still the PS4 Pro’s compeitotr. I mean the thing comes out in two months.

Scorpio is being toted as the next XBOX, while the PS4 PRO is still a PS4. It has it

Once shots were fired, however, the station quickly cut to Rudy Giuliani at a conference.