Because Science

You need to get a hold of Nvidia and tell them your these parts, not those theory. They’re upgrading the wrong parts!

Good lord that was funny.

I know. :-( I completely missed this yesterday. This is why I should never get off the internet!

oh my god, how do i save all these comments!? what happens if I run out of stars!?

The colloquialists were raging misogynists, as are any who use their isms.

Super hot.

Disgusting. This man needs to be charged with 30k+ cases of visual assault with deliberate intent to film portrait.

It’s too bad the trailer wasn’t in the beta. It would not have let him turn in front of another car.

I hate Debra Messing now. Why couldn’t she visit poor whites in Tennesee?

Wow, you guys are all so ornery. Maybe you should go visit Africa. All the people in these pictures look really, genuinely happy to be together. Let he who only posts on social media for selfless, noble reasons cast the first stone.

Jezzy! Wake Up! They’re still at it and we need a tasty Jezebel update on this topic.

Why are we not hearing about lawsuits every day for sites like TMZ? How can that site survive its endless gush of garbage journalism but this one lawsuit completely destroys a much beloved Gawker? Makes no sense and it is frustrating as hell for those of us that don’t understand.

“Hey friends! Did you know we missed out on a Minecraft comic?” Awe that’s a bummer. Let me check this article out on my most favorite of site on the internets. “It was going to be Dragon Ball meets Adventure Time! Isn’t that great?!”........ You are the most sadistic of bungholes.