
Yeah like voting for Trump all while claiming to be woke. They will always chose privilege over progress. ALWAYS.

it’s in their DNA.

Trump then went on to say that he would be starting a new tradition by holding a State of the Union address every year, something his predecessors never did, and is not even required anywhere in the Constitution. Because he cares that much that we know all about the hard work he’s doing in office.

This is a woman who was engaged to Marilyn Manson. Totally aside the righteousness of her current crusade, she doesn’t seem terribly bright, I would imagine that has something to do with the “why.”

Fuck. She had to go full white feminist and drag the n-word into it. Goddamn it. Why why why why do this. Why do they ALWAYS do this.

“Don’t get me started on what I was taught about Native Americans...”

That 60 Minutes piece was devastatingly disgusting in breaking down the corruption rampant on Capitol Hill on just this instance. We The People have been lobbied into oblivion and very few in Congress really care and why should they? There is no real ramifications for their inactions/shady dealings/thoughts and

“...Pop’s just saying what we are all thinking.”

Nah. It’s like hoping it snows. You aren’t going to the superintendent of your school district’s house in the middle of the night before freezing temperatures and spraying their yard with water to trick them into thinking it snowed. You’re just hoping the weather does it on its own.

And quite eloquently, as usual.

I mean Pop’s just saying what we are all thinking. 😎

If Donald Trump’s was 100 times the man he is now, he still wouldn’t be 1% the man Gregg Popovich is.

There’s a subtle thing here that’s especially lovely: Pop’s the US Men’s National coach for the rest of Trump’s term. And that fucking RULES.

Imagine minding your own business, walking home from school, only to have a bunch of older kids who should know better hurl racial slurs at you?

Every single time until he commits suicide in his bunker.

In addition to the words used, it’s also how many (or few) words are used.

Not sure if you noticed, but there’s nothing on your list. It’s completely empty. You have a number one, but nothing comes after it... 

Let’s make a list of white christian churches that are good for black folk, either in the past or now:

There’s not many churches that can say they only ended segregation within my lifetime (1973), but The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is definitely one: “Despite the end of the priesthood ban in 1978, racist beliefs in the church prevailed. White church member Eugene England, a professor at Brigham Young