
It wasn't a year between announcement and availablity. And of course it's avialble for a subsidized price (a lot cheaper than a subsidized iPhone too). And they're good phones.

Metro is something you can't really judge from static pictures or even quick videos... appreciation comes in the using of it, the feel of it.

It also makes sense for tablets like this.

If you have to ask "in what way is it different than the aftermarket iPad keyboards", you're either blind or stupid. Seriously? You can't see the major innovation here? Really?

I never had a problem with Zune software on Windows XP, Windows 7, or now Windows 8. It just works for me. It's beautiful, too. Great UI.

Oh yeah? How many different hardware companies put out systems that can run OS X?

The only reason it didn't work with the iPod is 1) The market was locked up at that point, and 2) the entire category was in its final stages. Nobody cares about iPods any more, or MP3 players, because SmartPhones came in and took over the segment.

It's much less of a problem once you get off the desktop and away from the mouse.

Dude, pay attention. The WinRT/ARM version will be priced competetively with iPads and other tablets. The Win8Pro/Intel version will be priced competitively with ultrabooks/macbook airs.

Um... type on the on-screen keyboard? Are you under the impression that it doesn't have a software keyboard? It has a bunch of them, actually, including a great split one that allows comfortable thumb-typing while holding in landscape mode.

You're not very self aware. And kinda trollish.

There's this:

Show me a "premium" version with Wi-Di and 4G (with all the sensors), and I'm in.

The WinRT tablet is intended to compete in the current tablet market.

Its' about on-line cheating and the on-line auction house. Please read up before speweing ignorance.

Yeah, I'm with @planetarian... I'm not sure what you're talking about. I find the software tons better than iTunes.

Of course there's an on-screen keyboard. It's Win8. They've demo'd the available keyboards before.

Of course it isn't. It's better. Wide-screen, a REAL computer instead of just a big phone without the phone part, and a brilliant and innovative cover/keyboard. Oh yeah, and the RT version has a full copy of MS Office Home & Student built in, and the Pro version has a full desktop and complete compatability with

Zunes were solidly build devices, with superior ear-buds and sound quality, and a superior UI and PC software. Yeah, they didn't sell because Apple had locked up the market, but that doesn't mean people should deride the device itself, because it was actually damn good, and anyone who used it knows this.

Those are fine too.