
DRM doesn't work. It just annoys your law-abiding paying customers. And it's "fewer" people stealing their game. And no, this form of DRM has nothing to do with that, but thanks for braying your ignorance.

Clearly they photoshopped them out.

What do you mean? Win8 Metro apps run across both just fine.

Clearly you're not aware of the double-standard that is in effect here.

Exactly. Competition is a good thing.


So, my favorite flavor of Doritos ever, was the limited edition "Late Night Cheeseburger"...

A Salsa Verde version would RULE! O. M. G.

That would be deliciously recursive! Or is it "meta"?

Are they really the closest subsitute for whatever is in walnuts? Because that sounds fine by me :-)

... at least until the guyros, or accelerometers, or air data inputs failed.

... Chicken isn't vegan??

What's a good walnut replacement. I cannot STAND walnuts. They taste awful to me. Most other nuts are fine, it's just walnuts (and their even more revolting "Black Walnet" cousins) that I can't stand.

I like to term it "Ham-fistedly opaque".

So I have to comment, because what struck me most was this description:

Well, at least I know what I'm talking about and pronounce the word properly, and don't arrogantly and stupidly mock others for doing it correctly. But you know, have fun.

Don't let some blow-hard idiot confuse you. It's pronounced "jiff". End of story. That's the fact. There's no confusion over that fact, except in the minds of the willfully ignorant.

You are wrong, of course. It's pronounced 'jiff', just like the word "Gin" but with an "F" instead of an "N". And yes, the creators do get to determine the pronunciation.... just like individuals control the way their names are pronounced, not you. You're wrong. In so many ways. It's JIFF. That's a fact. You

Excuse me? The name calling was completely inappropriate.
