
The carriage is for when you HAVEN'T been there before. It'll still take you to it. That's the point.

So, I can't comment over on Gizmodo any more, because they switched to the new (completely awful and unusable) commenting system... and won't let me log in with my normal account. I refuse to tie my activity here to facebook, google, or twitter... and they won't let met create a "burner" account because they say my

You know about the inventory short-cut keys on the D-Pad (XBox), right? Favorites list? Voice commands (Kinect)? And that you can take those horse carriages you see outside several cities to any other city, including ones you haven't visited yet?

Well... to be fair, you're referring to the second Terminator movie, and that was molton metal, not rock, and it was a terminator (much more dense and heavy) not a human...

So basically the entire ending of "The Return of the King" was a lie!

So... John Carter was actually a really good movie, imho. And it had its funny moments, but over all, it was just very entertaining.

I loved FarCry2, and don't mind if it's a whole lot of that.

All I hear from you is "WAH WAH WAH". And yes, it's objectively a bad movie. Horrible writing, really ridiculous "science", and a complete waste of money. And if I can help save others from wasting the money that I did, then I'm doing good. I can't believe you're defending such an obvious piece of shit. I think

I *wanted* it to be good. It wasn't. And it wasn't entertaining. It was boring. I mean, it's hard to make a film that is both completely senseless and absolutely predictable... a "horror" movie that isn't even remotely scary... and a sci-fi movie that is beyond ridiculous in every aspect of its "science"... but

All this effort to try and convince people that "Promethus" isn't REALLY a horrible, sloppy, badly-written movie is kind of getting tired. Just admit it. Stop praising crap just because it *should* have been good.

I dunno... there seems to be a far bigger difference between what you see and what you get at Burger King... at least the ones around where I live.

The man saved the world in WW2, and laid the foundation for the modern world we know today. And he was treated with such disrespect and contempt that he committed suicide at the young age of 41, and there was an attempt to wipe his name and memory from history.

Yeah, but do they show Lincoln and Joshua as lovers? I'm doubting it...

If WP8 phones allow tethering, I don't see a problem...

Don't forget James Franco as a male prostitute in New Orleans? I can totally see that.

I see what you did there. And I loved it.

Princess Bride, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Stardust are my favorites on the list. Definitely worth checking out.

Stardust and Scott Pligrim should have ranked higher, imho. Both are among my favorite movies of all time (along with Princess Bride).


While it honestly does suck that the new Lumia's won't get an update just six months after purchase... it's not like EVERY other phone manufacturer doesn't have SOME cut off. This is just an annoyingly short one. And hopefully it'll be the last time it's this short.