
And for the reference, the official pronunciation is "JIF" (as in "Choosey Developers Choose GIF").

I am not dismissing people who "disagree" with me as being racists and homophobes. I'm calling out a party's constant coddling and encouraging of racists and homophobes, and racist & homophobic policies. I'm not stereotyping (THEY are)... I'm objecting to what they SAY AND DO. Constantly.

Well, if ONE of the political parties would come back from the extremist edge, stop being hateful, authoritarian, repressive, regressive bigots, and start actually ENGAGING with the other side instead of doing nothing but holding their breath and stamping their feet because they didn't win... it would be possible.

I almost feel as you did... the series started out weak. I though it was getting a lot stronger in the last few episodes. But then that cliff-hanger happened, and it lost me again.

I hate the false equivalence that someone else's ignorance (the right-wingers) is equivalent to my knowlege (fact-based, reality based). Also the false equivalency of "both sides do it"... sure, but one about a billion times more/worse than the others (right-wingers).

However, rumor is also that it would be a "WinRT" tablet... incompatable with all existing Windows desktop software (aside from a special build of MS Office that will be included). Right now, Metro Apps are NOT compelling at all — lacking many features found even on WP7 — so I'm not sure how many people would

No, seriously, IE9 is fine. And I use both, and prefer IE9's UI. Sorry.

I'm looking at the ASUS Taichi ... hoping when it comes out, it lives up to its potential (and hoping it comes out in the fall and doesn't drag on and on...)

Why don't they just put a link to IE9 on their site for all users running a version previous to IE9? Make it as easy and convenient as possible to upgrade.

If true, what's the motivation for partners to sell WinRT devices?

The trackpad on the Dell XPS 15z is beyond horrible.

Why is it that ALL trackpads for Windows SUCK? I have yet to see a laptop that has a decent one.

People need to stop including "John Carter" in lists like this. It may not have made back its money, but it was an entertaining movie, and a well done film. Head and shoulders better than crap like Promethius, which for some reason ISN'T considered a disaster.

Yeah, but with LOST, most of what came before was worth it and fun... the end sucks, but it didn't really retroactively ruin the entire series. I still had a ton of fun with it over the years.

You're either living in the past or in a different world. Apple customers want an appliance that just works. They don't want to tinker with hardware. If they have an issue, they take it to Genius Bar. If they want more memory, more hard disk, or whatever... they just buy a new machine. It's almost like you've

WinRT comes with Office pre-installed and integrated (the full Desktop version), and 7GB of free skydrive (fully integrated storage throughout the OS).

Windows 8 Metro, like WP7 before it, is not done justice by static pictures.

Keep in mind that WinRT will also include Office, and 7GB of SkyDrive storage included.

Were you trolling, making a joke, or just braying your ignorance? I cannot tell.

Everyone DOES understand that WinRT _INCLUDES_MICROSOFT_OFFICE_, right?