
"Weekly caps is so you don't max everything to insane levels in a week."


That's actually why I quit the game, probably won't go back to it either. I was just stuck at level 25, and couldn't get enough marks so I could get enough gear to lvl high to do raids and stuff. So frustrating.

The biggest change I'd like to see is the end of weekly caps. I'd max out on crucible marks in a day. That's bull. I don't want to wait two or three weeks to earn gear, I'm a grown man let me do what I want with my own dang game. They're very inconsiderate of people's schedules. Like xur on the weekend, what if I work

Just fyi, the ps4 deal ends up being $420 after stupid tax. Still a fairly good deal, though it was $400 on eBay recently, I think.

Bro, as a young (28 years old) gamer and PASTOR, I have to say that I really enjoyed your article! I want to try out that game now! Ha ha. But after reading through it all, I do have a few comments...

I hear you. That's why I feel that it's so important for the system to judge these kids on an individual basis.

I guess what I meant to say was that it wasn't JUST the punishment that changed my life. While it was the compassion that gave my life direction and purpose, it was the punishment that got me to wake up out of my foolishness. Would I have even listened to some words of wisdom/compassion if I hadn't gotten busted?

John 10:11, 27 (NKJV)

I don't know about everyone else, but I feel for this kid. I have a lot of compassion for him, knowing that I was a troubled youth at his age too. My alcoholic parents were in the process of getting a divorce, I wasn't getting a lot of love at home, and I was seeking attention any way I could get it. I pulled all

I don't know about everyone else, but I feel for this kid. I have a lot of compassion for him, knowing that I was a troubled youth at his age too. My alcoholic parents were in the process of getting a divorce, I wasn't getting a lot of love at home, and I was seeking attention any way I could get it. I pulled all

Bro, I know the Lord. I'm not talking about beliefs, I'm talking about truth. I don't just believe in God, I know Him. I hear His voice daily. If you're genuinely curious about what that means, feel free to ask questions. But if you're just arguing for no reason, then you're right about it being a waste of time.

"I went before God again, and it was the first time that I truly went before him with nothing. I had nothing to offer him. I told him to use me somehow."

The poor man's Lindsay Sterling?

It's funny reading this, and then also seeing a post on Imgur today where Colbert says, "

I always laugh at ANY study that says "group A is more likely to succeed/fail than group B"....

I agree, the Earth is not 6000 years old. That's foolishness.

Not trying to scare you. Just saying I disagree. Creation and evolution aren't necessarily two different things. I believe God created evolution.