
Fuck the haters. I love my Crocs and was seriously disappointed that Boo is promoting the little charm thingies and NOT a line of doggie Crocs. Because I kinda want a pair for my dog.
Also, to all the people who are going to start jumping down my throat for loving Crocs, I DON'T CARE HOW THEY LOOK, they're simply the

Imagine you are a baby who has lost about 2/3 of your blood volume in the time it took for paramedics to arrive and for you to finish being born. Now think about how much good the oxygen is gonna do when you don't have enough blood to move it around. This is what happened to my daughter during her birth. Now try

Most missed the point entirely, if you WANT that look, there are no excuses. If you don't want it, or don't prioritize it, or whatever, who gives a shit? Of course someone will say, I want that look but my [insert tough medical diagnoses] prevents me. That's valid, maybe you should reevaluate your priorities and pick

I would consider this deceit a form of rape, but hey, that's just me.

I said in another comment that for myself, when it comes to early stage breast cancer, I would choose a mastectomy to avoid having to undergo radiation, which often accompanies a lumpectomy. And I would get a double mastectomy with reconstruction for aesthetic purposes. I don't want to worry about one shrinking or

Here's my hubby:

"Was Carey a threat or just mentally ill?"

Not to get overly pragmatic about it, but they've found a way to use the whole chicken. I cook down chicken bones from roasted or spatchcocked (yes that is a word!) chickens to make stock, and plenty of people eat the internal organs or use them to make gravy. Would you prefer people be wasteful and take only the

I feel sorry for him when it comes to the Giudices. He clearly loathes the very thought of them but keeps Teresa around because she's a big over-tanned cash cow. Every time he's interviewing them he looks like he wants to flip them over the couch. See: the anti-"faggot" campaign that he continues to wage on them. He's

Oh dear god, yes. YES. With the obligatory scene of him being restrained by Cragen.

Basically they sound like they don't want to get sued. I mean, I feel for the writer, given what happened but you get a really motivated person and something that hasn't—and probably can't really be proven in a court of law (not because it lacks veracity but rather there probably isn't enough current evidence) and you

Royal baby born as Dennis Farina passes... COINCIDENCE?!?

If I encountered someone like that, I'd really mess with them.

I still feel the prosecution failed to make its case, hence the verdict. If you don't agree with the verdict, don't blame the jury; blame the prosecution.

I promise you I definitely teach them accurately and don't single out any disease to scare them-trust me, as someone who grew up in Texas (and thus had a good ol' fear-mongering sex education), I know it definitely doesn't work and isn't responsible or tactful

Look, do you want some gay babies or not? Because if there is anything the Catholic Church loves, it's gay babies.

The look in her eyes is definitely no joke. You're absolutely right.

Bullshit. Watch her face in the pictures. Her face initially puffs out and her eyes widen in shock, at which point she then starts to grimace. I'm a martial arts instructor with kids. I have had occassion to sometimes, have to grip a student somewhere on their body (neck included) to demonstrate a move. You never EVER