
Except you missed the point. If 100 reports of rape are made and 8 are false, those are false allegations. If one of the remaining 92 results in a prosecution where the victim misidentifies the wrong guy and he goes to jail, that’s not a “false” allegation - because the victim didn’t intentionally deceive anybody, she

You’re conflating “false allegations” with “erroneous allegations” - a common diversionary tactic. In most wrongful conviction cases, the victim is not “lying” per se - not intentionally deceitful. They were genuinely assaulted - or at least believe they were. The problems come from false or erroneous memories or

Except that’s based upon REPORTED re-offenses to the police. And we all know by now that sexually based crimes among the lowest reported crimes. So in reality, it’s nearly impossible to gauge recidivism.

SS is generally not subject to garnishment because it’s considered “essential income” - like, you need that money to live. There are other methods, however - none of which are especially good. I am not an expert on Colorado law, so I hesitate to say anything. However, almost all people have something that could be

But isn’t that an argument against the plaintiffs’ attorneys? They are the ones who really took advantage of the victims to file a lawsuit that argued that a movie theater should have had TSA-levels of security (something that is patently ridiculous).

I will be interested to see if Cinemark actually pursues the enforcement of this order. It’s one thing to have the order, it’s another to actually pursue these people with things like wage garnishment, etc.

Ray J was also supposed to be one of the last people to see Whitney alive. How does he keep popping up at famous crime scenes? Seriously, somebody needs to get on this.

Except in his case, he just does it. For these people, it's a mandated way of life.

She was introduced by her mom. When Leah was little her mother got introduced to Scientology and raised her kids in it, so Leah was technically a “second generation” one. From statements she's made since, her whole family left with her and they now practice Catholicism, which is what they were before.

Leah is lucky. When she left, I believe the whole family went with her - her husband, her mother, etc. They left as a group. There are so many of them that lost their parents, their spouses, their kids, when they left. At least she still has an intact family unit.

I formed my major impression of Lulelemon when I attended an interfaith seminar about yoga a while back. While there were people of multiple faiths present and talking, there was a substantial Hindu representation (as there should have been). And I remember that even mentioning the name “Lulelemon” was enough to send

The simplest answer was that you worked in a municipality that mandated paid sick days, whereas the author of this piece clearly does not.

I can’t find any reference to that on the Bess Meyerson Wikipedia page. The Catalina swimsuit incident is directly attributed to Yolande Fox on hers. Is there some other historical source you're citing or are you just going from memory?

Where did you hear that story? Because it’s unfortunately totally wrong on the circumstances. The incident you’re referring to happened in 1951, not the 40s. The Miss America involved was Yolanda Fox, who has no Jewish background at all - she was a Basque American who refused to wear the swimsuit due to her devote

Bah. Everyone knows Philly mayors enter events to "You Dropped a Bomb on Me." It's tradition.


They can work - about 30-40% of the men do hold some type of job. However, they believe that the greatest pursuit a Jewish man can undertake is a lifelong study of the Torah. Hence, a lot of the men choose to devote themselves full-time to that. In reality, more Haredi women work than men, since they also believe that

The only announced/confirmed Repub who ran in both 2008 and 2015 is Mike Huckabee. The only Dem is Hillary.

Israel has a public welfare system, sort of the same as the United States. They overwhelmingly use it - I think over half of them receive some form of public assistance, if I recall right.

Oh honey don’t cry! I have outbreaks of psoriasis on my legs when it gets warm and dresses and longer skirts often are lifesavers for when I want to go out without people seeing the inflamed or scaly skin. You do you. Like Tim Gunn says, the best accessory is confidence.