
Weird back handed compliment to give yourself. Tall but with a personality of an undesirable statue in the back of a little known local museum only open the 3rd Thursday of every month. How about develop a personality and an inquisitive zest for life? I am not trying to pull you down into the mud, but there is no way

I was raised by a Conservative Hippie. Sounds like an oxymoron, but my mom had Conservative views and thought all humans were beautiful because we were molded in our Maker’s image. I know, sounds out there, but it helped me be a good person. I have hated/disliked/had great disdain for many parts of my face. Lips not

In a lot of ways, her clothes scream, Identity Crisis! If she was in my 9th grade, my classmates would have called her a poser. I don’t think competent women in important roles need to be fashion icons, but there is a strong message conveyed when a woman of power dresses well. It is not as simple as, when a woman

Soo true! It is even worse when the couple is divorcing and children are involved. How many times couples put out a stmt about splitting up, but will continue to love and support each other is so eyerolling. Might as well just put out an “uncoupling” version of Live, Laugh, Love. Idk, maybe Divorce, Cackle, Loath ?

Fourteen is such a pivotal and transformative year, especially for girls. I look back at my 14 yr old self and can remember things I thought that were incredibly naive and sometimes incredibly mature all mashed together. There was an incident (I was 14) at this huge mall/movie theatre where a shuttle would pick you

It does not throw your hypothesis completely out. The reason she is getting any media attention is because she is so beautiful and young. If she was 40, average or below average looking and heaven forbid, chubby, she would be a 90 second sound bite on the local news station in her hometown.

I highly recommend the film, “Wind River”. It does not protray the white man/woman as evil and the native man/woman as spiritual. It is the most eye opening movie about this topic I have ever watched. I think we often avoid difficult issues when they feel completely out of our control. We need an emotional journey and

Extraneous details, especially about the layout of a home, totally kick in my Geometry skills. My mind is busy creating a 3 dimensional layout of the home, furniture and possessions rather than being emotionally invested in the story. Probably not the desired outcome. I will also acknowledge this is not the greatest

If his bat suit made him overly warm and he turned up the AC to keep his junk cool, I would be down for that. One of the greatest mood killers back in the day for me was going to a new guy’s house and the bedroom being full of sweltering, static hot air. Thermostat incompatibility is a real thing. 

Humility is really weird. What I think the commenter really wanted was for Kate to display false humility. Then, we as the audience could judge her and call her fake. I am speculating, but I have a hunch that a lot of commentors think acting is a waste of a high IQ. There is also a strong underlying sentiment that

Like, for real, it is Virginia. The birthplace of fucked up American trauma and confusion as to who we are as a nation. Good for you for not stopping. The puppy was a trap. I have a deep love and passion for American history. Every aspect of North America’s development is very interesting and complicated. I have

An undefined presence is terrifying and creepy in a way that makes you sound unbelievable and unimaginative. I have had a very parallel experience in my own home that made me sound like a crazy person. Different from the experience I shared above. Once you see it and feel it, you are forever changed. I have wondered

I don’t really have an engaging, suck you in kind of story, more of a terrifying, recent snapshot of a bewildering and unexplainable moment in my life. Since I was a kid, I have slept on my back and put my left-hand under the pillow and my right arm under the blanket, next to my body. A few months ago, I woke up and

Yeah, he gifted you a low level dread and anxiety that will lurk in the back of your mind for the rest of your life. The "what if" that makes me glassy-eyed, is he expected another man to be in bed with you. If that was the case, you would be an episode on the True Crime Channel.

Even with seeing it first-hand, her mom still choose to be dismissive. When I was a kid, I was not talkative and introverted. When something or someone scared me, but it was not overt and if I mustered enough courage to tell an adult and the adult was dismissive, the result was FIGURE IT OUT IN YOUR OWN HEAD SPACE.

Ducks are fascinating creatures. I was told my whole life males are more beautiful because they have royal blue and emerald green feathers. Females are brown and white and though exceptional camouflage artists, but are not comparable to their male counterparts in physical beauty. I always thought the duck girls were

You stated, “Views on abortion have been largely static with small deviations in either direction for decades “. That observation just demystified an irrational anger I have been harboring for years. When I listen to both sides, I hear the same rhetoric, same slogans, same emotional pleas I have heard all my life. I

I thought it was engaging and captured teenage sexual angst very well. The vampire thing was not that interesting, but the bottled up sexual energy pulled me back to 11th grade.

I know it is easy to jump on the cynical boat and I could see it playing out as a semi-parody. They both have too much self-respect to indulge in that cringey self depreciating garbage. On the other hand, talent, facial beauty and sexual tension is pretty hard to deny. She is beautiful and cute girl next door at the

I support abortion with ever post tax dollar I make. I also support a woman’s right to going forward with a pregnancy that will pull her into abject poverty for at least two decades. Nothing is black and white. Women have to fucking “man-up”and make decisions that impoverish and isolate them from their families and so