
The only updates i get about this defamation trial is through Jez because i can not invest in something that gives me a creepy feeling. The only way i can describe it is being in the backseat of the car going up to the hotel in The Shining. The really sick part is I have a nagging suspicion if Amber made a huge

Maybe it is kink shaming, but ppl who feel entitled to judge will be 0% rattled by being told they are in the wrong. I agree with you, but our provincial, gossipy, people-oriented brains are addicted to villianizing. She is an easy target and has been chastised for a multitude of things from being a "bad" mother, to

Women, as a whole, having their respectability re-established by being modest and being pillars of morality in their communities is a crusty, dilapidated, eye-rolling solution. It is lazy and disingenuous for ppl like BananasTree to say if women did not “degrade” themselves for men, women would have a chance of being

Not a win, but still profound. Though you are not all rainbows and sunshine, your objective approach is valuable and necessary. My first child was not planned, and i was scared after having a non-viable pregnancy that made me feel like my body failed me. If a family member approached me in the same manner you have, I w

I know I am inherently distrustful of established hospitals because of multiple bad experiences in my youth. The only doctors I trust are my OB and my dentist. Women are going to avoid treatment in these life threatening scenarios because they fear retribution. Women are going to go septic and die because we allow

I was thinking how would consent be implemented? Oh, that’s right, you would have to have a real-person moderator. So some dude would have to decide if the user’s potential actions don’t bust his moral threshold for smut and debauchery. I only threw up in my mouth once, so you are free to play.

I think it is a sign of a society on the edge of imploding. The inability to form meaningful relationships and put in the effort to sustain them is a huge red flag. This is a weird awakening. I think most of us took for granted the significance of healthy relationships. It was just a given. Now we are realizing the

I really struggle with not evaluating people’s bodies and commenting in my head the beautiful, the needs improvement and the bad. We are a society so overly pre-occupied with looks, it is damn embarrassing! Why we care so much about someone we are not going to fuck or have any connection with is bizarre. We would not

Now playing

For the most part, they only care about themselves and protecting their wealth. What I have been discovering is just how emotionally distraught and unsettling it is for the elites to not be trusted and admired. I thought the super rich were above needing approval and admiration from the plebs. Apparently, wealth is

I know, in the moment, when you are being criticized in the work place, it is hard to say anything to push the discussion back to work-related topics. You had to go to HR, and it sounds like this person is now being professional. When this person gets cocky and starts using the workplace as a forum for their

I completely agree with your assessment of “pro-life”. I would also argue that pro-choice does not emotionally resonate with a lot of the country and needs a re-branding. Pro-health is too ambiguous, pro-woman is too rage inducing to infantile men and pro-reproductive rights is too sterile and scary. I would like to

The pillow smashed in her face really made me re-evaluate how henious this crime really was. The fact that he incorporated this so easily makes me think he has done this before. This was not drunk hanky-panky where he was trying to kiss her and rub up against her with his clothes on. That would also not be alright,

The Shining is such a masterpiece! I watch it about every 3 years and in between watches, it plays heavily in my dreams. I can not think of another film that gripping. 

She is a beautiful woman. I have wondered why her makeup looks so bad and unflattering at times. Then I realized, who gives a fuck. A woman's beauty and humanity is not determined by the coats of mascara, blush, lipstick or well or poorly placed foundation. Those are distractions designed to keep you spinning circles

I know you are taking your frustration and trying to make it funny, but never entertain taking your life. Women, and some men can take so much abuse and mistreatment, but we all reach a threshold. If we reach a threshold collectively, we can push back with a mighty force. One of my grandmother’s last words were, “ I

I agree that tentative phrasing is not gender specific and unnecessary fillers can undermine your authority. What I disagree with is ppl only take you seriously when you have a solid, confident answer that gets straight to the point. Yes, ppl appreciate brevity, but they also invest in an interesting narrative where

Women can win. I struggle with this all the time, I don’t think women “win” collectively because women don’t seek or thrive by being part of a group. Men seek other men and noticeably thrive when in a like-minded “hive”. We are told women don’t group up because women don’t like each other, see each other as

I know we expect bosses to give good feedback and help develop an action plan to help the employee improve, but it is way harder than it looks at face value. There is an expectation placed on bosses to provide some “negative” feedback because most companies have adopted a review system that heavily focuses on always

I have had intelligent female friends, colleagues, and family members say they like to “turn off” their brains and watch trash-talking beautiful women get into silly quarrels. I did not get it for a long time, but I have a hunch now. It satisfies some weird little itch for over the top drama and frivolousness. 

I think you are over estimating peoples ability to make good decisions in an emergency situation. As a whole, we don't get a lot of practice in handling critical situations that require us to take immediate action.