
Facials are so therapeutic. Sometimes you need a skilled skin technician to tell you you are not drinking enough water and every product in the world will not undo the damage of a dehydrated cell. My facialist was amazing. Turn the lights to the lowest dim, always popped a breath mint and committed to making my

Hi Andy! Can I ask you an intrusive question? Does your Dad have a cell phone? Are there times in the day you could call him and know he is not in the proximity of your mom? Maybe I am just projecting, but I think your dad could love you and help you with your feelings and resentment/aimless frustration with your male

I think as a whole our nation has boundary issues. A good chunk of the population does not know how to express their feelings to others romantically, platonically, in the academic or professional setting. You made it a priority in your life to understand yourself and set boundaries with the help of therapists. I also

That person is a creep who picked you up and fetishized your perceived petite size. Once your anger has subsided, I suggest mentioning it to this person via whatever delivery method works best for you. Something like, I always thought you were kinda creepy, but this action solidified it for me. Almost no one likes or

What an ugly fucking cop out, it is not our fucking business. Nothing is anyone’s fucking business. Libertarian paradise. Ayn Rand’s wet dream. Why does anyone care about anyone? How about the raw truth? It fucking burns. Caring about others is an innate feeling that you can not shake off. I don’t have the answers to

I just chuckled at your simplistic solution. When I dated, I never gravitated towards asking about a man’s profession or politics. Not because I was trying to prove that I was different than the other gals, but because those topics rarely yielded anything interesting or valuable. Men are conditioned to give polished

Sad Saturday night. Any Jezzie, man or woman work for a union? Tell us what you do. For real, we are all programmed to hate unions, but have no fucking clue what they do? Enlighten us. Really, what do unions do? Good, bad, ugly, everything. Just be objective and pragmatic and bullet point. Go for it. Unions do...

Good practical advice. I had a weird conversation with my mom-in-law that devolved into tearing down teacher’s unions. I just stopped her mid sentence and was like, I really don’t know what teachers’ unions do? For real, I don’t really know what they do? My mom-in-law is Canadian and made over a 100k as as a teacher

Andy, the fight for good health care is universal for women. I have a bad uterus ( on both sides of my family). When my IUD was destroying my health and I waited 9 months to tell my OB that this was not working, I had sleep paralysis. I practiced what I was going to say to her. I pictured a doctor who did not believe

Nothing wrong with Bradley. Douglas is a great name that I considered for both my boys. Names are cool, but don’t define you. I was in my corporate Cafe ( pre- pandemic) and had the hostess (my friend) call out BabyDoll. This gorgeous Asian gal answered and I of course put my foot in my mouth. I was like, what a great

Come on Harron, let Monica grow and evolve. You really want a heads up on a fictional series about one aspect of a young woman’s life that was dictated by a man? Tell me the salacious, fucked up power dynamic relationship/sexual usury you were involved in with a professor/leader/man in a position to destroy you in

Truly maddening and limiting the power of sharing ideas and making online interactions meaningful. When commenters write back to me and I can not follow up with them, it is like being engulfed in a pool of dejection. If I give you my best and you give me your best, why does it have to end with a sound bite? I am not

Now playing

Don’t bother trying to reason with anyone who holds an irrational fear so near and dear to their heart (and some, identity). You know how animals, even loving pets can lash out when they feel threatened. Unfortunately, most of us are still provincial in our thinking and wired to only take meaningful action when it

Baby name selecting and all the time-consuming research that goes along with it, is really fascinating. When I was choosing a name for my first child, I was looking up the meanings and origins to fairly common names. My younger sister laughed and was like when was the last time you were genuinely interested in the

Undeniable. My mom was born in 1954 when ppl would throw trash at her when she would go for a morning run before school. When she was in 9th grade, her P E teacher showed the class their new gymnasium. My mom cried. For the first time in her life, women’s athletics were given their own space. What a beautiful time in

Good description. When I have been sucked into depression’s charms, I am in an existential crisis that has no answer. It is just dread on loop. You can not save yourself and if you are a master of disguise, no one around knows. Sit on the coach and self-loathe. Once you are bored, tell yourself what you want to do.

You are so funny and delightful, I had no idea you were suffering behind the scenes. I see value in people that makes my heart hurt. If you can not tell yourself or look at yourself and say I have value, let me step in and tell you your life has value and you contribute to society in a meaningful way. You are so witty

You got a lot of flack for openly expressing your immaturity about what you thought made a woman sexy and did not get defensive. What I think kinda sucks is it shut you down from elaborating. I have been on many other forums and have spoken to men about the power of marriage, openly disagreed with Jordan Peterson,

You recognized envy and called it out in a hilarious way (response to HollyCat2)! Envy minimizes people’s potential and sucks the mind into emotional loserville. I listened to Jack Edwards on YouTube do a review on the 5 most popular self-help books and the one written by a monk had a breathtaking question. If the

Did we learn our lesson is the better question. To me, she is vile, stupid, very Early Ancestor looking (like a forehead that has a built in visor to block the rain out of her squinty eyes) and so fear-mongering, equivalent to the snake oil saleswoman who came into town after the grand snake oil salesman and tried to