
I am going to first say, Confederacy of the Dunces is such a funny, chuckle every few pages book. It is not laugh out loud, but it has so much subtle humor. I understand your frustration and sadness with your BILs (collective) cynicism and stupidity in believing that Republicans can save our nation. I think you

Not someone, a woman he put effort into pursuing. I did not remember the film by it’s itle, but when I went to look it up, I was like oh yeah that was a really gripping movie. The kind of movie that you stay up way too late to finish on a Sunday. You know that he probably found it hot and went home and rubbed one out.

Now playing

I did not think 9 1/2 Weeks was a snooze, but it left me frustrated and oddly sad. It was a gut response that did not intellectualize until this post. They fell in love with each other, but neither had the emotional maturity or courage to be the first to express their love with words. Their is something so sexy about

Wow, your natural eyebrows are very pretty and feminine. The soft arch suits your face shape perfectly. Your eyebrows in picture #2 oddly remind me of an invasive algae that is being sucked out of a nearby harbor. 

It is almost unfathomable to think what you are capable because you can not see yourself in that light (insert narcissistic mother here) but it is so easy for me. Kindness and a willingness to understand other people is a skill that you have fine tuned over the years. It has not gone unnoticed. I was so blessed with a

I have tried really hard to give her a chance, but poor pronunciation is not artistic or interesting. When I see her in pictures, listen to her music or listen to interviews, I am not impressed or wowed at all. My mom energy comes out full force. Why was this young woman denied a meaningful education? I know it is

When I was at the peak of my physical prowess, I could do 75 push-ups tits to the floor, 10 standard military pullups and was running a 10k every other month. I internalized this disgusting, self-loathing monolague that I sucked and would never invite anyone to my races. I would make up weird stories and tell my

You should consider working in a call center. Do your research because call centers can be places of hostility and abuse, but they can also be places that reward hard work and commitment and have a lot of upward mobility. There is usually some typing inloved, but it is concise and takes about 30-45 seconds with a lot

Pumpkin Andy is any color that helps her adapt and thrive in new environments. Good for you for focusing on learning Spanish. My grandparents on my mom’s side moved to Uruguay, outside Paysando and lived the “romantic” rural life for 11 years. My grandma was trilingual (Russian, English, Spanish), but never studied

Oh, Douglas thank you for sharing how powerful it can be to witness exceptionalism in another person. There have been a handful of times in my life that a person’s integrity and commitment to doing the right thing over apathy or taking the easy route has just made the tears pour out. Talent, exquisite mastery is

Alight, Julia, I am going to tell you something you already know, but don’t know the root cause: You are clumsy. I am not telling you this because I want to criticize you or poke fun. You are emotional distressed 24/7 and dealing with so much in your head space that you don’t focus on the concrete, right in front of

Never heard this song before, but it resonates the first listen. Idk that it is happiness that has produced the greatest emotional response in me, but a moment of deep gratitude that all my hard work, commitment, other people that I love and trust, their commitment and moments were I had to rise above and make

The trick is to keep breathing by Garbage

When it comes to her acting, I find her to be incredibly lackluster. After a few minutes of admiring her facial beauty, i have no inspiration to continue watching her. I know that sounds snobby, and it probably is, but her performances are so hollow and forgettable. I am not going to reminisce about old Hollywood, but

I appreciate your input and understanding that a handsome adult does not erase the ugliness and viciousness he experienced at an age where other ppl’s opinions about you matter a whole lot. He is a very handsome man and I get the impression he is being honest about not seeing himself as a man whose looks spark such a

I am so tired of men telling women their valid concerns and observations is complaining. Complaining is usually a form of venting that does not require action from either party. When a woman makes important observations and expresses concern and it is framed as complaining, then no action needs to be taken and her

I think that is definitely part of it, but unfortunately the issue goes deeper. From my observations, it seems like a lot of this comes from a place of deep insecurity and not being able to find value in real life. What comes to mind is not a purpose driven life, but a content driven life. I am not wagging my finger,

I am in my 30s and I remember being teased and minimized by men in college with put downs like, are you here to get your M.R.S. ? Young women are pursuing higher education at record numbers and doing extremely well. Now, men want to anahilate women for putting education over going on sympathy dates that add no value

Congratulations on your award and allowing others to recognize and appreciate your work. I think it is a very good indicator that your employer acknowledges the hard work of employees and not just the end result. In regards to what made your contribution award worthy, could it be more about your process? I am thinking